Monday, September 23

The # 1 Nutrient for Weight Loss Every Day

The path to losing weight is not always easy and can be quite complex. In such a way that it becomes very normal, to try all kinds of diets in order to achieve good results. If you are tired of experiencing guidelines that have not worked for you, it probably relates to the eating plan you are following. On many occasions we tend to consume foods that do not provide long-term satiety and that probably contain little fiber.

The truth is that on many occasions we have heard about fiber, but the reality is that we do not usually give it the importance it deserves. The first thing you should know is that fiber plays an important role in weight control in the long term and, however, in people generally still don’t get enough. According to information released by USDA , it is recommended that adults consume at least 25 (for women) to 38 (for men) grams of fiber per day. The bad news is that the recommended intake for some is impossible, especially considering the diet that characterizes modern society, in which the consumption of processed foods is abundant. To this we must add the information corroborated by the University Harvard University in which it is estimated that the American average , gets the modest amount of 10 to 15 grams of fiber per day.

Al or bserve how decreasing adequate fiber intake affects the body , the consequences are quite serious. Not only in terms of weight gain and obesity , but it is even linked to a host of autoimmune diseases. In such a way that it is important to set ourselves the task of understanding much more thoroughly the role that fiber plays in our health.

First things first What does fiber do to body? Fiber is actually indigestible, that is, it passes directly through our system and is part of the carbohydrates found in the cell walls of plants , therefore common elements that come from plants have it, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, legumes, avocados, green leafy vegetables and more. There are two types of fiber: soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber is the one that is associated with great benefits to protect and improve heart health, since it has the ability to help reduce total cholesterol and bad cholesterol. While insoluble fiber is the type that is directly related to benefits to protect gastrointestinal health , it is said that it acts as a kind of “broom” that destroys everything that the body does not need and is therefore key to combat constipation and also in weight loss. Also d due to the way this fiber moves through your body, it actually has the power of speed up metabolism and is helpful in feeling more satisfied for longer periods of time.

When digesting food, the body expends calories; fiber is indigestible , it has no calories, the genius is that the body tries to decompose it and this “attempt” is called thermogenesis. It is the ability to generate heat in the body due to metabolic reactions, which ends up having an impact on metabolism. So the more fiber we consume, the faster the metabolism.

Probably one of the most surprising of fiber , is that it can adhere to toxins in the body, calories and fat cells, therefore it is key to enhance their elimination. Fiber acts like a sponge in the stomach and intestines, it has the power to combine with cholesterol, estrogen and toxins, and flushes these substances out of the body.

One of the reasons why fiber is so important for weight loss is that it has the ability to combine with fat and calories. That is, when we eat caloric and fat-rich foods, fiber binds with a percentage of those calories and fats and expels them from the body. Therefore, prevents the 100% of those calories and fats enter the bloodstream, where they eventually end up accumulating in the thighs, hips and belly. That is why it is so essential in weight loss, since a percentage of those calories if combined with fiber , by not being able to digest those calories and grams of fat end up being evacuated.

Due to this process, studies show that consuming a Sufficient amount of dietary fiber can significantly reduce the risk of weight gain. Because the body feels full of fiber, it is less likely that people overeat in the long term , creating a caloric deficit over time. Integrating foods rich in fiber in the diet, not only provides satiety, it is key to ingesting fewer calories in meals and avoiding eating between meals.

Another genius of fiber consumption is that it plays a important role in reduction of inflammation in the body and the risk of autoimmune diseases. It is key to having a healthy microbiota , since without fiber, the lining of the intestinal wall of the microbiome begins to thin. Bacteria that get close to the intestinal wall will enter the bloodstream, producing cytokines. Cytokines are substances that cause inflammation and, according to studies, are linked to all kinds of autoimmune diseases. That is why we hear so much about the importance of repopulating the microbiome with a high fiber diet , it can act in a similar way to the prebiotics and probiotics , which shine for its properties to enhance intestinal health. Which benefits the health of the immune system, digestive function and of course, weight loss.

Practical tips to eat more fiber:

    • Choose well the fruits you consume daily. For example: change a cup of watermelon for a cup of raspberries. The difference is significant: a cup of watermelon contains 1 gram and a cup of raspberries is 8 grams of fiber. Switch from lettuce to kale, that takes you from 1 gram to 3 grams.
    • Change of White bread for whole wheat bread. This simple change takes you from 1 gram to 5 grams of fiber.
    • Change your choice of breakfast cereals. If you usually consume Special K or corn flakes, exchange them for All-Bran, you will win 13 grams of fiber.
    • Plan your meals: Strive to consume at least 5 grams of fiber per meal or more.
    • Choose the correct foods. Bet on basing your diet on the consumption of grains 100% whole grains, vegetables, fruits with skin, beans, lentils, nuts and seeds.
    • Be patient. You may experience some gas and bloating at first, but when these symptoms pass you will you will feel great. In fact, the majority of people who have a flat stomach, it is estimated that they consume 60 to 80 grams of fiber per day. Start slowly and gradually increase your intake.
    • Water is essential. When increasing fiber intake, it is vital to ensure and increase fluid intake. By eating a lot of fiber without adequate hydration, the fiber can become hard. A good recommendation: For each 10 grams of fiber, drink a liter of water.