Friday, September 20

“The United States Should Prepare For More Intense Winter Storms,” ​​Say Climate Experts

In recent days, the southern United States has been terribly affected by an “unprecedented” winter storm , which has caused greater havoc in the state of Texas, which is not used or adapted to deal with such low temperatures, causing other types of problems, especially in fuel and electricity issues.

In addition, about 2 dozen people have died this week in that part of the country alone, some of them from fires or carbon monoxide poisoning when they tried to warm themselves in their homes.

On this issue, climate experts from Texas and other states indicated that they are dealing with a winter storm that exceeded all government and business forecasts for basic supplies.

As if that were not enough, they were also categorical in assuring that “The United States will suffer deadly storms more often” and by end e, the country must improve its management in these types of situations.

“This week’s storms -and those that are about to reach the east of the country- fit a pattern of extreme events caused by climate change, and demonstrate once again that local, state and federal authorities did not do enough to prepare for a more extreme and dangerous climate ”, they said .

“This was definitely an anomaly, but one that will likely occur more frequently due to climate change,” said Sara Eftekharnejad, assistant professor of electrical engineering and computer science at the University. from Syracuse.

“Probably you have to improve planning, because we start to see more extreme weather events across the country,” he added.