Friday, September 20

Smuggled meat shipments from China to Los Angeles doubled in pandemic year

China is a country affected by swine fever, Newcastle disease and the fearsome swine vesicular disease

There were more than 1, 000 notifications of meat smuggling in LA

Photo: JOE KLAMAR / Getty Images

The number of shipments of Prohibited meat products beef, pork, chicken and duck that were intercepted in Los Angeles from China in 2020 was almost double that detected in 2019, indicated by the authorities.

From January 1 to 31 December last year, Federal agents in Los Angeles released 1,049 emergency notifications, compared to 527 from the previous year, said Jaime Ruiz from the Customs and Border Protection agency ( CBP ).

“China is a country affected by African swine fever, and classical swine fever; in addition to Newcastle disease , highly pathogenic avian influenza and swine vesicular disease ”, indicated in a release.

The latter is an infectious-contagious disease of pigs characterized by bags of fluid that appear on the hooves, tongue and muzzle of the animal .

Some of products seized in Los Angeles. / Photo: CBP

Agricultural specialists found these meat products, which were not declared to the authorities, mixed with other shipments that they contained boxes of headphones and door locks; as well as other packages that carried kitchen utensils, LCD tablet boxes, garbage bags, swim fins, and cell phone protectors.

“A clear attempt to put as smuggling these meats that are prohibited ”, Ruiz pointed out.

“CBP continues to work closely with other governments and private partners to protect the nation from a variety of threats, including those having to do with plant pests, biological agents, and diseases of foreign animals that arrive in the country by air, land or sea, ”said Carlos C. Martel, director of operations for CBP Los Angeles.

“The role of our CBP agriculture specialists, who are at our ports of entry, is more crucial today than ever.”

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Chinese animal products are in high demand in some communities in the United States . That’s why smugglers try to smuggle those items, which later end up being sold in Asian supermarket stores, authorities said.

They added that many consumers are not aware of the restrictions that exist on the importation of certain products.

What worries the authorities is that pork that has been affected by swine fever in other countries could bring the virus to the United States, which could paralyze the pork industry and exports of this product , generating $ 6, 500 millions of dollars each year.


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