Friday, September 20

More members of your family may qualify for the third stimulus check

Más miembros de tu familia podrían calificar para recibir el tercer cheque de estímulo

Legislators are still negotiating the approval of the third stimulus check, hoping to reach an agreement by the end of February.

Photo: Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images

For the third stimulus check – which is still being negotiated between legislators – families that meet the eligibility requirements will receive $ 1, 400 dollars for each household member , including dependents of all ages.

It should be remembered that, in the previous two rounds of stimulus checks, the money was given only to dependents under 17 years. And, with the first checks, families received only $ 500 per child. On the second stimulus check, the amount of $ 600 was awarded to the same group of boys.

However, with the third stimulus check, a family of five could receive $ 7, 000 dollars : $ 1, 400 for each of the parents, and $ 1, 400 for each of the three dependents .

To make a comparison, this same family of five would have received only $ 3, dollars with the second stimulus check.

Additionally, families with children older than 17 years will receive even more money. For example, a household consisting of two parents, a young child and a youth of 18 years, you will receive with the third stimulus check $ 5, 600 dollars , when he would have only received $ 1, 800 with the second stimulus check, as reported in Yahoo .

Lawmakers are still negotiating the approval of the third stimulus check, waiting reach an agreement by the end of February.

– You may also be interested in: California could approve a $ 600 stimulus check for its residents next week