Saturday, September 21

Hugo López-Gatell, head of strategy against COVID-19 in Mexico tests positive for coronavirus

The undersecretary of health of Mexico , Hugo López-Gatell in charge of the strategy against the coronavirus , reported that he tested positive for COVID – 19 .

One of the most controversial men in the government of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador ( AMLO ) who has refused to wear face masks , confirmed it, through his Twitter account.

I publicly share that I have # COVID 19 . I started with symptoms last night, luckily they are mild. The antigen test came back positive and I’m waiting for the PCR. I will be working from home, pending the vaccination strategy.

– Hugo López-Gatell Ramírez (@HLGatell) February 20, 2021

“I publicly share that I have #COVID 19. I started with symptoms last night, luckily they are mild. The antigen test came back positive and I’m waiting for the PCR. I will be working from home, pending the vaccination strategy, “he wrote on his social network.

Last December he was widely criticized for taking a vacation trip in the middle of the crisis that You live in Mexico and that has led the country to be one of the most reported deaths from coronavirus in the world.

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