Friday, September 20

Advantages and disadvantages of being in a relationship with someone of the same sign

Ventajas y desventajas de estar en una relación con alguien de tu mismo signo

Dating someone of the same sign can be good and bad.

Photo: Andie Venzl / Pexels

Astrology can be of great help when you are trying to predict if your relationship will be successful or not, and Although they are compatible not only depends on the zodiac signs but on many features of your birth chart, if they could reveal how likely it is that you will have a good time with someone.

Dating someone of the same sign may be a good idea considering that you have the same astrological traits as the other person, but things can be worse because perhaps there are characteristics that you do not like about yourself and you see them reflected in your partner. According to the site Times of India , these are the advantages and disadvantages of dating the same zodiac sign .

Aries with Aries

It can be a difficult relationship because both are unpredictable, they will want things their way and blame their counterpart when things go wrong. However, they will awaken your passionate nature and have a lot of fun together.

Taurus with Taurus

If you both have the same routines, the relationship will be great, otherwise it could be difficult because neither will want to get out of their comfort zone. They are both passionate about their own ideas, therefore, if they contrast they will have many problems.

Gemini with Gemini

They will never get bored with each other because there will be a lot of space to be spontaneous, but in someone there must be limits if they do not want it to become a little relationship serious and at a distance. If they combine their social lives, they have a chance of success.

Cancer with Cancer

They will both be affectionate and love the home life, however the biggest problem they will face will be the poor ability to tolerate their changing moods.

Leo with Leo

Leos need a lot of attention and if one does not receive enough it could explode. Both have to make themselves feel special, the advantage is that in bed they are very compatible, but too much passion can be counterproductive.

Virgo with Virgo

They are a perfect match if you both have the same goals, but if not, the relationship will focus on one criticism war. The one will try to improve the other and vice versa, which can wear them down and kill the passion.

Libra with Libra

Together they generate a perfect synchrony of balance, love and justice, however, the danger is that both can be too superficial. They may project an image of unconditional love, but inside there will be sheer resentment. Both have to do their part for the relationship to reach its full potential.

Scorpio with Scorpio

In a relationship between Scorpios there will be passion, danger and intrigue. Trust is crucial for it to work, otherwise suspicions and insecurities will break the association.

Sagittarius with Sagittarius

The adventure will be the one that characterizes this relationship, but the problem will arise when one of them wants to commit and the other wants to stay free. For it to work, there must be the same spiritual purpose.

Capricorn with Capricorn

Your nature is practical and that will help you to really appreciate your Capricorn partner. Both can be themselves and there will be no room for judgment, but they must be careful about their worldly ambitions or need for status, because that can destroy the communion.

Aquarius with Aquarius

His open mind can make others tolerate; They will be the best of friends, but there will not be such a deep emotional bond. They are independent by nature, so in order to function, they must both leave their comfort zone.

Pisces with Pisces

A combination of dreamers can play for and against. You both might think that everything in your relationship is rosy and nothing bad will happen. But when either of you is out of step, you can play on the other’s feelings and take advantage of their remarkable goodness.

It may interest you: Astrology tells you why you can’t find a partner