Friday, November 22

How to have a more positive attitude in life, according to Harvard University

The university teaches its students a class to be happier in life

Cómo tener una actitud más positiva en la vida, según la Universidad de Harvard
With small changes you can be more happy.

Photo: Zachary Nelson / Unsplash

Harvard is one of the most prestigious universities in the world and is the cradle of some of the most prodigious minds. The campus offers a subject that teaches its students to be happy and which hundreds of them attend every semester. It is the Positive Psychology class and is taught by Professor Tal Ben Shahar.

According to what media such as Forbes report, students learn the keys to finding happiness and be more positive in life . The expert in the so-called ‘science to be happy’ exposes the points that each person must implement in their daily routine to achieve their desired goal.

The list includes physical and mental things that, in together, help people to have more energy and be happier .

Eat breakfast

Although it is something simple, many dispense with the most important food of the day due to lack of time. Eating breakfast gives you more energy during the day, helps you think and cope better with your activities.

Be grateful every day

Living with gratitude will help you to be more positive. Be grateful for everything you have, no matter how small, food, nature, the smile of a stranger, etc.

Be an assertive person

This means knowing your rights and always respecting others, thus you will improve your self-esteem.

Spend your money on experiences, not things

The teacher indicates that people who invest their money in trips, courses or shows are happier than those who spend on material things.

Face your challenges

Postponement and make the problems not exist only generates more anxiety and tension. The suggestion to be brave to face any challenge in life.

Surround yourself with happy memories

Decorate your desk, office, refrigerator or room with photos and letters from your loved ones.

Greet others and be nice

Smile at strangers Say hello and kindness to everyone you come across every day. This raises your mood.

Wear comfortable shoes

Experts point out that if your feet hurt you put yourself in a bad mood, therefore, if your feet are comfortable, you will be happier.

Pay attention to your posture

Tal Ben Shahar indicates that walking straight, with your shoulders slightly back and your eyes straight ahead helps maintain a good mood.

Listen to music

Many studies have found that listening to music elevates your mood.

Do not skip meals

Eat something light every 3 to 4 hours keeps glucose levels stable. Try to have a balanced diet.

Dress up and feel attractive

The expert indicates that the 41% of people say they feel happy when they think it looks good.

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