Friday, September 20

The United States returns to the United Nations Human Rights Council

Estados Unidos regresa al Consejo de Derechos Humanos de las Naciones Unidas

The United States will return as an observer country to the United Nations Human Rights Council.

Photo: NICHOLAS ROBERTS / AFP / Getty Images


The United States Government will return as an observer country to the United Nations Human Rights Council, an institution that it left in mid-2018, confirmed today the US delegation at an organizational meeting of that institution based in Geneva .

American diplomat Mark J. Cassayre confirmed the return of the United States, which will also be announced today from Washington by Secretary of State Antony Blinken, and stressed that “it is the most effective way to reform and improve the Council.”

We recognize flaws in this Council, but we know that the body has the potential to be an important forum in the fight against tyrannies and injustices around the world “, assured the American delegate.

During the presidency of Donald Trump, the United States abandoned that institution, main f inter-state gold of debate on human rights in the United Nations, considering that it had a partial and biased attitude against Israel.

With the return to the council, which holds three annual meetings, “The United States reaffirms its commitment to the promotion and protection of human rights throughout the world,” pointed out Cassayre, who assured that the new Administration led by Joe Biden “believes in a foreign policy focused on democracy, human rights and equality.”

The US return to the council, which begins its next meeting at the end of this month, is yet another example of Washington’s renewed commitment to multilateralism , that Biden has already demonstrated with the return of the US to the World Health Organization and the Paris Agreement to combat climate change.

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