Thursday, September 19

Sarah Kohan already asked for a divorce from 'Chicharito' Hernández but he clings to the relationship

Javier Hernández and Sarah Kohan are going through a very bad time in their relationship, that’s a fact. The rumors about their separation do not stop and now it has been revealed that the Australian traveled to her country to rethink things.

According to the magazine TV NOTAS, which published an interview with A friend of the footballer, Kohan already asked for a divorce from ‘Chicharito’, but he is clinging to his marriage.

” She already asked for a divorce, and not satisfied with that, warned her that she would ask for a millionaire pension and told her that she would return to Australia and take her children with her ; but since Javier is opposed, Sarah decided to go to her country of origin, Australia, for a few days to put land in the middle “, revealed the source.

Of course, the Javier Hernández’s reaction was bad, because he does not want to be separated from his two children, much less from Sarah, because according to the source “he cannot live without her.”

The LA Galaxy player’s friend also revealed that the couple’s relationship fell apart when their second daughter Nala was born in October 2020.

“After the birth of their second baby, the relationship fell apart. Sarah has a very ugly character and was very rude to Javier. When she was pregnant, she said it was because of the hormones, but the reality is that she was always the dominant one; In October of last year was the last time that both of them uploaded a photo together on Instagram, and at the beginning of December she told him that she no longer felt satisfied with him, that she wanted a divorce. ”

The interviewer asked what Javier’s response was: “He asked her to fight for her family and they continued like that, but she began to post messages on Instagram showing that she no longer wanted to be with him, like when He posted: ‘The most difficult decision to make is to get away from someone with whom you have tried to work very hard …’, and things like that. In addition, they did not post anything that they had spent Christmas and New Years together. ”

Despite the fact that Javier #Chicharito appears on the networks that nothing is happening in their relationship, #SarahKohan has already asked for a divorce because he feels dissatisfied next to him … #MartesDeTVNotas.

– @TVNotasmx (@TVNotasmx) January , 2021

The source insists in which the relationship was wearing thin because Sarah treats Javier Hernández’s family badly and although she has already made it clear that she does not want to continue with him, Chicharito does not understand.

“Sarah, before leaving, did tell him up front that she didn’t want anything with him, but Javier doesn’t want to accept it, he insists they come back, that’s why she keeps sending him hints, and a few days ago she blew barda when posting: ‘Find someone to help relieve anxiety, not increase it’; Even last week a TV program caught her, and she very rudely refused to respond, when it was her opportunity to say it up front. But as I told you, Sarah has always been very rude, and even put down his family “.

“[A Chicharito] She always lacked character to control her and that love was transformed into a codependency towards her, so much so that for more than two years she has been taking therapy with the exactor and now coach, Diego Dreyfuss, with who now relates Sarah. ”

Despite the attempts to save his marriage and the hints, Javier Hernández hopes that when Sarah returns from Australia she will have changed her mind.

“Javier is very sad, deep down he trusts that when Sarah returns from Australia, she has changed her mind and at least they will try,” the source concluded.

Related: Sarah Kohan explodes and assures that there has not been another man in her life since she met ‘Chicharito’

Sarah Kohan explodes when asked about her breakup with Javier Hernández