Friday, September 20

Mexico will adjust vaccination plan against COVID-19 due to reduction of Pfizer deliveries

The President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, affirmed that despite the reduction in the delivery of doses from the pharmaceutical company Pfizer, his government will finish vaccinating adults older than 60 years.

“We are the first in Latin America in the application of vaccine and as explained here, by the end of March, we will finish vaccinating all adults older than 60 years and this, of According to scientists, it will allow us to reduce mortality by up to 80 percent.

Despite the decrease due to the circumstances that Pfizer presented us to a UN lawsuit, so that vaccines are available for countries that have less economic possibilities than us, still look at how we are doing, this too it has a lot to do with the organization, our government is organized, it is the organized people ”, he said in a morning conference.

, the Undersecretary of Health, Hugo López-Gatell, reported that the Technical Vaccination Group in Mexico will analyze the expansion of up to 45 days of the interval between the application of the first and second dose of the Covid vaccine – 19 and eventual adaptations in the national plan.

“On January 8, the World Health Organization published its most recent interim recommendation, specifically on the Pfizer vaccine, where it is raising that could extend up to 45 days the dose interval.

More days may pass without that the final efficacy of the vaccine and immunity is affected, this is protected by decades of knowledge of immunology.

Today the Vaccination Technical Group in Mexico will meet, are highly specialized people who reflect on the issue, one of them to highlight the importance of this issue is Dr. Alejandro Cravioto, who is the president of the strategic vaccination group of the World Health Organization ”, he pointed out.

The official said that After the considerations taken by the group of specialists, the Ministry of Health will make recommendations to make the modifications to the vaccination plan and cover the delay in the delivery of doses that Pfizer announced.

Eventually they will make us a recommendation on the interval of application of doses. Derived from this, we could have adaptations of the vaccination plan, which may be beneficial to cover the delay of the vaccine that has already been documented and announced.

“And we could have coverage expansion and later, when we are going to have the dose recovery, have the second applications, we will see what happens and we will comment on it “, he added.

They will vaccinate 14 million in the first quarter

Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard reported that they plan to vaccinate 14 million 172 thousand people, with 21 million 394 thousand doses.

“It’s about having all the possible options as soon as possible. The important thing is that this is the availability that our Country has for this period to end health workers and include priority older adults, ”he said.

He also recalled that this week the active ingredient for the start of packaging and final filling of the AstraZeneca vaccine arrives in Mexico.

It goes in due time and form. A laboratory in Argentina makes the active ingredient, reaches Mexico and then is distributed throughout Latin America “, he detailed.

They arrive in Mexico 219 thousand doses of Pfizer

A total of 219 thousand 375 doses of Pfizer vaccine against Covid – 19 arrived this morning in the Country. One plane arrived at the International Airport in Mexico City (AICM) and another at the Mariano Escobedo International Airport in Monterrey, Nuevo León.

Zoé Robledo, director of the IMSS , reported that to Monterrey 5,000 850 vaccines arrived, of which a thousand 950 will be destined for the State of Nuevo León and 3,000 900 for Coahuila.

Hugo López-Gatell, Undersecretary of Prevention and Health Promotion, reported that of those who arrived at the AICM 190 one thousand 125 doses will be destined for Mexico City and 23 thousand 400 for the State of Mexico.

Jorge Alcocer, Secretary of Health, assured that with the arrival of these new vaccines it will be possible to continue with the vaccination in both public and private Covid hospitals.

At this time with the scheduled arrival of the 219 thousand 375 doses, which we again thank Pfizer, we will continue with the vaccination plan for all workers in public and private Covid hospitals. And we will continue to meet the objective that the Mexican population has safe and effective vaccines, “said Alcocer.

The Secretary of the Treasury, Arturo Herrera, promised that the vaccine delivery schedule will be fulfilled so that At the end of March the first groups of the vaccination plan are vaccinated.

Another milestone in the delivery of vaccines is achieved. With the company (Pfizer) we had a schedule to receive up to 5 million vaccines by the end of March, that schedule will continue to be met through different routes along with the rest of the vaccines.

This will allow the two initial target groups to be vaccinated by the end of March: that of health workers, which includes the private hospital workers and also the elderly, ”he said.

Herrera added that, if other vaccines are available, the Government has a reserve of 4 billion dollars for its acquisition.

To speak very openly, we have in an account 4 billion dollars, it is more than double what we need. We have secured the resources and the foreign currency for everything that is required in the field of vaccines ”, he concluded.

Continue Reading: Coronavirus vaccine: WHO warns that e he world is on the brink of a “catastrophic moral failure”