Friday, September 20

Mexico agrees to reduce the order of Pfizer vaccines to send them to poorer countries

México acepta reducir pedido de vacunas de Pfizer para enviarlas a países más pobres

AMLO reports that Mexico would be willing to reduce Pfizer vaccines to deliver them to poorer countries, this at the proposal of the UN.

Photo: Presidency of Mexico / EFE

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador reported that Mexico agreed to reduce the delivery of vaccines against Covid – 19 to send them to poorer countries, on the condition that they are later replenished, as proposed by the UN in order there is no hoarding.

Now in the world there is a controversy because the UN has asked Pfizer to lower your deliveries to the countries in which you have a contract, as in our case, the European countries, so that a quantity of vaccines is available to the UN and that there is no hoarding and that the UN also makes these vaccines available to poorer countries “, he stated.

We were According to that, that they lower us and then replace us with what corresponds to us, anyway does not change our plan because we are already looking for other vaccines, not just Pfizer. ”

López Obrador emphasizes He said that negotiations are underway for the CanSino vaccine, for the one made in Russia and that of AstraZeneca and the University of Oxford.

“So we are going to have enough vaccines,” he said.

After visiting and inaugurating the Benito Juárez University in this town of Guerrero, the President also made a call to leave behind the subculture of the agandalle of the vaccine, and warned that it is being investigated whether a deputy in Coahuila was vaccinated without corresponding.

That is already over, there have been two, three cases where they have abused, it is even worth saying, but we have to move forward in leaving behind that subculture of agandalle “, He argued.

In In the case of the State of Mexico, he recalled, a doctor vaccinated his family and was separated from his duties by the President of that entity, Alfredo del Mazo.

” A legislator from a party related to us also lived in Coahuila and an investigation is being carried out on who was the one who allowed himself to be bribed or shielded by this legislator, and also in Tabasco, the director of a hospital that is not Covid as well I know He smelled and was vaccinated, since he was also fired by the Governor of Tabasco ”, he stated.

López Obrador highlighted the announcement made by the Governor of Guerrero, Héctor Astudillo that in Guerrero the first dose of the vaccine for medical personnel working in Covid hospitals has already finished.

The President insisted on the importance of Comply with the defined strategy of vaccinating health personnel first and then continuing with the second preferred group, the elderly in the country, who add up to 15 millions, in order to reduce the mortality of the epidemic. No influences or handles, he said.

Fortunately, he clarified, it is not the rule but the exception and most understand that you have to wait until it is your turn , according to their age.

Nobody can, in such delicate health circumstances, act arrogantly and the authority is obliged to set an example, he assured.

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