Friday, September 20

What is the charm that will give you luck in 2021, according to your zodiac sign

Know the object that will make you have a lucky year

Cuál es el amuleto que te dará suerte en el 2021, de acuerdo con tu signo del Zodiaco
The lucky cat is one of the most common amulets .

Photo: Alain Pham / Unsplash

The amulets are objects to which people attribute a special power that gives them luck and strength to succeed in various situations. It is a popular belief that has been passed down from generation to generation.

There are many talismans that exist to fulfill that goal and astrology is a guide that helps you choose the most suitable according to the energy of the 2021 . Find out which one corresponds to your zodiac sign, according to astrologers from the site

Also read: 5 common objects that give bad luck


The key is the ideal amulet for those who are Aries since, like this object opens doors and locks, the determined personality of this sign does not Give up and figure out any obstacle to meeting your goals.


For Taurus, astrology tells them to use the number 7. In many countries and cultures this figure is related to luck.


Gemini must carry some dice. You can wear them on a charm, bracelet or earrings.


The ladybug or Catarina is the lucky charm for all Cancerians, animals that represent fortune.


Gemstones will stimulate luck in the sign of Leo. A charming, vibrant and attractive stone, such as sapphire or amber, will vibrate with your personality.


The Turkish eye or the Nazar is the amulet that keeps Virgo protected. Keeping it with them will give them luck at all times and will ward off bad vibes from people who are jealous or envious.


Any object that is shaped like a triangle will be good for Libra. This geometric shape represents the cycle of birth, death and connection with the universe. Thus, it will bring balance and harmony in any situation.


The amulet that will bring fortune to Scorpio in the 2021 is Horseshoe. This object alike drives away evil spirits and negative energies.


A rabbit’s foot is the ideal talisman for Sagittarius, according to popular belief, this talisman contains a strong force that drives away danger. You must look for it to be artificial, what matters is the symbolism.


The four-leaf clover is the lucky charm for all occasions, and Capricorn will give him fortune, prosperity and strength, three themes that are of interest to him in the 2021.


Crickets are lucky for Aquarius. These insects have been associated with harmony for centuries, so you should have one carved on a keychain, pendant, bracelet or accessory with you.


The dreamcatcher is the amulet that will bring happiness to all Pisces. It should be placed above the headboard to have peace and avoid bad dreams.

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