Friday, September 20

El Niño Prodigy Horoscope January 17, 2021


03 / 21 – 04 / 19

The past will become relevant and this will cause you a certain melancholy. It is an ideal time for you to apologize to that person that you hurt and that you miss so much. Don’t let your lack of consideration keep you away from those you love.


04 / 20 – 06 / 20

Today your thoughts will not revolve around you, so you will pay more attention to others and to the world around you. Carrying out group activities will help you get in touch with other realities. You will feel supportive and willing to collaborate with those who need it.


04 / 21 – 06 / 20

We all have a mission in this life and we came to this world to fulfill our divine purpose. Now you will have the talent to communicate, build bridges and generate connections, so be sure to carry a message with positive vibes.


6 / 21 – 7 / 20

The The stars indicate that it is a good time for you to take a trip. Contacts with other regions or with foreign people will bring you good luck. Leaving your usual environment will help you broaden your vision and connect with abundance.


07 / 21 – 08 / 21

Your psychic powers will be enhanced and your influence on the emotions of the beings that surround you will be very high. But you will not seek to impose yourself through the strength of your personality, but you will flow through compassion and empathy.


08 / 22 – 09 / 22

The positive outlets continue in relationships! Recent experiences led you to get to know yourself more deeply, to love yourself more and to give yourself the place you deserve. Your authenticity will positively impact your relationships, whether you are in a relationship or single.


09 / 23 – 09 / 22

You are usually a person who is considerate of the needs of others and you care about the welfare of others. Today you will be influenced by a feeling of compassion that will incline you to do charitable works and give help to those most in need. You have a lot to give!


10 / 23 – 11 / 22

Planetary transits will unleash your romance and bring a current of infatuation into your life. Whether you are alone or with someone you will feel that you live in a fairy tale. Enjoy this special moment while keeping your feet on the ground.


11 / 23 – 12 / 20

The celestial bodies indicate that you will spend more time in your home and that you will invest more time and money in its maintenance. There may also be the potential for you to earn income through real estate deals. You will have good luck in any transaction.


11 / 21 – 01 / 19

You are a pragmatic person and many times you wear a shell that prevents you from connecting with your emotions. Today will be an ideal day for you to pay attention to what you feel and put it into words. You need to lighten the weight and stress.


01 / 20 – 02 / 18

The stars indicate that it is a beneficial moment for you on the material plane and any difficulty money will be solved thanks to divine intervention. If necessary, provide financial assistance to a relative so that prosperity spreads.


02 / 19 – 02 / 20

Your intuitive and empathic powers will lead you to exercise a great influence on the people around you. That is why you should avoid generating false illusions. Channel your magic through art or an activity that promotes common well-being.

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