Friday, September 20

Blue Monday 2021: How to get over the saddest day of the year with a simple ritual

Monday 18 January is the saddest day of the year, according to a formula the formula of the psychologist Cliff Arnall

Blue Monday 2021: Cómo superar el día más triste del año con un sencillo ritual
Sadness is the general feeling of Blue Monday.

Photo: Joshua Rawson-Harris / Unsplash

The third Monday in January is known as the saddest day of the year or Blue Monday , but that of 2021 comes with a connotation darker. One of the most difficult years of the last era has just ended, so pessimism could be at its best and to we can use a ritual .

Blue Monday is a term that came up with the psychologist and then professor at Cardiff University in 2005, Cliff Arnall, to describe why to your consideration The third month of January is the day we feel most pessimistic .

You used a formula in which included the cold winter weather, the debts that we drag after the holidays, the monthly salary, the motivation and the feeling or need to act.

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Thus he concluded that the third Monday in January is the saddest day of the year , although it has been questioned by many because its formula cannot be applied to everyone considering that in the southern hemisphere at this time it is summer.

In statements to The Independent newspaper in 2018, Cliff Arnall specified that it was never his intention that this day sound negative, but rather “inspire people to act and make bold decisions in life ”. Be that as it may, his Blue Monday proposal has lasted for years and now this is falling 18 from January. If you are one of those who coincide with the psychologist, the site suggests a ritual to overcome it .

Ritual to overcome the saddest day of the year

At the first hour of Monday and once you get up, take a black crayon and draw a horizontal line in the middle of a white candle. At the top or closest to the wick, paint it all black and the bottom part will have to remain white.

With wooden matches, light the candle and when it is lit, close the eyes and pray the following spell: “Fire, tear the sadness of this Monday. Melt it, make it flow. Give me the power to be reborn and emerge. And may the pain be freed forever from its root. Let it be. ”

When you see that the white wax has melted the area that you painted black (and that represents sadness) take a quartz or the lucky charm of your choice and Place a little wax on it.

While you do it, say this prayer: “Magic stone (or magic amulet) I beg you to melt the sadness. Transform it into happy energy. And turn it into positive vibes. ”

Pass the quartz or your amulet over your head and heart. When the candle goes out, take the stone or the amulet with you to protect you from the heaviness of the saddest day of the year.

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