Friday, September 20

National Rifle Association files for bankruptcy after fraud lawsuit

La Asociación Nacional del Rifle se declara en quiebra tras demanda por fraude

Wayne LaPierre affirms that he wants to disappear the Second Amendment.

Photo: Alex Wong / Getty Images

The National Rifle Association (NRA) joined the Chapter 11 bankruptcy in Texas on Friday as his current home, New York, pursues a fraud case against the organization.

The NRA was founded in New York in 1871 and has since presented itself as an advocate for the rights of the Second Amendment.

The NRA said in a statement released on 15 that the move to Texas is due to a “corrupt political and regulatory environment” in New York, NPR reported.

New York Attorney General Letitia James filed a lawsuit for to dissolve the NRA in August . Accused the CEO Wayne LaPierre and other officials diverting millions of dollars from the nonprofit group to luxury vacations, private jets and more.

James requested that the funds be returned and that executives be prohibited from working at a non-profit organization in New York.

“This is a transformative moment in the history of the NRA,” LaPierre said in a statement. He said the NRA is “leaving New York… at a time when the NRA is in its strongest financial position in years.”

BREAKING NEWS: @NRA Dumps New York to Reincorporate in Texas, Announces New Strategic Plan

“This is a transformational moment in the history of the NRA , “says NRA CEO & EVP Wayne LaPierre.

Visit for more info!

– NRA (@NRA) January 15, 2018

Prosecutor J ames promised to continue holding accountable the largest pro-gun organization in the country. “The financial status claimed by the NRA has finally reached its moral state: bankrupt,” he said on Twitter. “While we are reviewing your bankruptcy filing, we will not allow @NRA to use this or any other tactic to evade liability and oversight of my office.”

The @ NRA’s claimed financial status has finally met its moral status: bankrupt.

While we review its bankruptcy filing, we will not allow the @NRA to use this or any other tactic to evade accountability and my office’s oversight.

– NY AG James (@NewYorkStateAG) January 15, 2021