Friday, September 20

Maluma says that he has tried to have friends in the industry: “But when I turn around, he stabs me in the back”

Maluma dice que ha intentado tener amigos en la industria: “Pero cuando me giro, me apuñala por la espalda”


Photo: Ethan Miller / Getty Images

Since he became one of the biggest stars on the urban scene, both in English and Spanish, Maluma has hardly made any new friends. His circle of trust continues to be made up of the same people who supported him in his professional beginnings and who teased him without evil for his seemingly unattainable dreams, at the same time that they invited him to eat at home because they knew he couldn’t afford to go to a restaurant.

“I don’t like making new friends “, has recognized the singer in a new interview with ELLE magazine. “ I’ve tried it in the record industry, but it’s hard. Sometimes I have the impression that someone wants to be my friend, but as I turn around, they stab me in the back. I prefer to stay with people I already know, with whom I feel comfortable “.

One of the reasons The reason why Colombians do not ‘connect’ with many of their colleagues is that, in their humble opinion, the vast majority do not have a spiritual side and therefore cannot talk with them about the importance of meditation or meditation. prayer, they occupy a very special place in your life. Of course, he has also run into exceptions, such as the singer Madonna, Shakira or Jennifer López, with whom he established an almost automatic connection when they collaborated together.

Sometimes they tell me that I am an ‘old soul’ just because of that, but in Bottom line, if you are not a spiritual person, you are empty inside, regardless of whether you are the biggest star in the world “, he assured.

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