Sunday, December 22

Almost 2,000 people lost their lives in one week to the coronavirus in Los Angeles

Casi 2,000 personas perdieron la vida en una semana por el coronavirus en LosÁngeles

Los Angeles County will soon reach 1 million COVID cases – 19.


Los Angeles County has not had a respite since last November regarding the pandemic and In just one week it reported almost 2, 000 deaths as a result of the disease to exceed the 13, 000 deceased since last March.

Authorities from the Los Angeles Department of Public Health confirmed on Thursday the deaths of other 287 people in a period of one day , which raised the total of deaths in county to 13, 234 people.

Los Angeles County Sees Nearly 2, 000 COVID – 19 Deaths in One Wee k. 287 New Deaths and 17, 323 New Confirmed Cases of COVID – 19 in Los Angeles County. View for more. SwKCX

– LA Public Health (@lapublichealth) January 15, 2021

They also confirmed 17, 323 new cases and now it is very close to one million cases of coronavirus, adding 975, 323 infections since March 2020 . Currently 7, 840 people are hospitalized at county health centers for the disease.

However, a recent study published on Wednesday ensures that At least 3 million Angelenos have already been infected without even knowing it . The estimate would be triple the current accumulated.

The LA Department of Public Health also made it clear that it will not move toward vaccinating people older than 65 years as indicated by the governor Gavin Newsom , because they consider that they still have to vaccinate more people from the first priority group that included only health workers and residents of nursing homes and nursing homes.


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