Friday, September 20

Airlines tighten passenger policy after Capitol riots

According to official data, cases of violence by passengers has increased in recent weeks

Aerolíneas endurecen política de pasajeros después de los disturbios en el Capitolio
Trump supporters they faced very little resistance from the authorities.
Photo: Reuters via BBC Mundo / Courtesy

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) will begin to impose stricter penalties to the passengers of “rebel ”Causing disturbances. It will do so without prior warning and will apply “fines of up to $ 35, 000 dollars and imprisonment ”.

FAA Administrator, Steve Dickson , signed the order Wednesday directing the agency to adopt a “zero tolerance policy” in violent passenger cases, after the agency saw a “ disturbing increase

in incidents ”of passengers interrupting flights with “ threatening or violent behavior “

” The order I signed yesterday orders my security inspectors, our lawyers and our office chief attorney to exercise all the enforcement authority we have, “FAA chief Dickson told ABC News on Thursday.

” There are times when, every situation can be a little different, and I can e there are warnings, there may be advice. But in this particular case, for the moment, until 30 March, we’re going to go straight to law enforcement, “he added.

Dickson said he noticed an increase in flight disturbances in the wake of the Capitol riots.

“These incidents have been derived both from the refusal of passengers to wear masks as well as the recent violence at the United States Capitol , ”the agency said.

United Airlines told ABC News that it banned 60 people for mask violations in the past week only, which is higher than their averages from the prior week.

Alaska Airlines has prohibited 14 passengers in a single flight from DC to Seattle the day after the riot in the United States Capitol. The airline said that the passengers were not wearing masks and were harassing the crew members.

On Sunday, Federal Air Marshals had to intervene when a woman flying from Charlotte, North Carolina to Washington, DC, refused to wear a mask and shouted in the hallway about the company’s “tyranny”. American Airlines confirmed that the woman now is prohibited from accessing the airline pending further investigation.