Friday, September 20

Unemployment insurance claims peak since August 2020

Economists assure that the start of the year has been adverse and slow, but they expect this trend to be reversed soon

Las solicitudes de seguro de desempleo llegan a un máximo desde agosto de 2020
The state of California has been one of the most economically affected by the pandemic, therefore thousands of citizens have asked the government for help due to unemployment.

Photo: David McNew / Getty Images

The number of people who requested unemployment assistance in the United States last week stood at 965, 000, higher than expected, reported by the country’s Department of Labor. The projections of some economists pointed to the figure being 795, 000.

The number of unemployed corresponding to that of January 9 is an example of the economic impact caused by the restrictions on economic activity as a result of efforts to combat the pandemic.

The number of applications released by the Department of Labor is the highest since corresponding to the week of 22 August last year, when just over a million applications were submitted .

Continuous requests were also higher, skyrocketing in 199, 12. According to the federal agency, said figure is one week out of date of the total weekly requests. This means that it increased for the first time since the end of November.

In contrast, the total of those who receive Government profits decreased drastically despite the increase in weekly figures. That level fell to 18, 4 million 19, 2 million in the previous week.

The decrease in this figure was due to a fall in those who submitted requests for help due to the pandemic, although it is still well above the 2 millions

who received benefits the previous year.

The increase in claims spread to several states in the country, mainly those with restrictions strict for companies for health reasons. States like California and Illinois are on that list.

Of According to economists, the economic outlook of 2021 will improve, but the start of the year has been slow . This trend will be reversed according to experts as the year progresses and the population begins to be vaccinated against Covid – 19.

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