Friday, September 20

Know who's opposing the $ 2,000 stimulus check, will they stop it?

A third stimulus check for $ 2 was supposed to, dollars would be easily approved by the arrival of President Biden and the backing of his party in the Senate, but a Democrat asks that they do not go so fast

Conoce quién se opone al cheque de estímulo de $2,000 dólares ¿lograrán detenerlo?
Opponents to the approval of the stimulus check for $ 2, 000 ask that resources truly reach those most in need.

Photo: Joe Raedle / Getty Images

President-elect Joe Biden is about days of assuming the presidency of the United States and on his agenda comes including a point very important : approve a check by $ 2, 000 dollars to support the population that has seen affected by the pandemic .

The site CNBC published that some legislators are not convinced of the imminent approval because they consider that those payments direct not necessarily are intended for the most affected individuals and families by the pandemic .

The third round of payments seemed safe after the Democrats won both Senate seats in Georgia, and the opposed by the Republicans .

But now the Democratic Senator Joe Manchin , has said that could object to payments , because if the next round of stimulus controls , should be aimed at those who really need it .

If the next round of stimulus checks goes out they should be targeted to those who need it.

– Senator Joe Manchin (@Sen_JoeManchin) January 8, 2021

While some Democrats want those checks to be quickly pass , that could hinder negotiations with the Republicans for further encouragement help for the coronavirus, wrote Brian Gardner , Washington policy strategist in chief of Stifel .

CNBC notes that some Republican legislators have echoed the views of Manchin that checks should be addressed to individuals and families most affected in the pandemic .

There is a concern that the money that is approved will not reach the people who really are needing and that is destined to save or simply spend in frivolity , which is far away from its original target which is that of support people who are having a hard time by the job losses and accumulation of debts .

CNBC notes that experts say that it is possible that checks from $ 2, 000

effectively reach the most needy , while the total cost of the aid is reduced , which by the way some politicians Republicans have cited as a reason for their opposition .

Points that could solve all this refer to the downward modification of the thresholds and modification of eligibility , because the stimulus controls are determined by tax returns above and the people who saw their income fall by 2020 may not receive a check reflecting that lower figure, while those who did not lose income due to the pandemic can also qualify to obtain the money .

Another form of targeting people with the most needs is a Stronger unemployment insurance , noted Aaron Klein , Principal Investigator of Economic Studies at Brookings Institution .

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