Friday, September 20

How to raise your energy to overcome stress and anxiety

A ritual can be one of the most effective ways to overcome stress and anxiety , disorders that are common in today’s society. According to specialists in energy healing, when we experience strong emotions, the energy weakens causing mental confusion, so it is necessary to root ourselves to be aware of the situation and combat the problem.

If we raise The energy will strengthen our body, soul and mind, so we can face difficult situations and move on. As Regina Giorgana, creative director of an online store that offers energetic healing articles, says in, it is necessary to live emotional experiences from the conscience and not from the head .

Also read: How to have peace and quiet on a hurried day with a simple ritual

That is why he recommends the following ritual to overcome stress and anxiety , although he clarified that it does not work in the overnight, but if you do it constantly you can achieve good results.

1. Connect with the earth

The expert explains that the point here is to achieve a connection with nature, so you will have to take off your shoes and light an incense to achieve this link. You can help yourself by approaching an amethyst or white quartz to relax the energy.

2. Breathe

Take at least three deep breaths. Inhale, hold the air for a few seconds and exhale strongly. You have to be able to listen to your breathing and imagine that your energy is relaxing.

3. Feel your feelings

Answer these questions: How do I feel? What triggered those feelings in you? The meaning of this step is to accept our emotions and overcome them.

4. Express your energy

Finally, Giorgana invites us to creatively express that energy by dancing, exercising, drawing, writing, etc. This way you will start to have a good vibe and peace.

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