Friday, September 20

How to discover the color of other people's aura and how compatible it is with yours

We can all acquire the ability to read the aura, according to an astrologer

Cómo descubrir el color del aura de otras personas y qué tan compatible es con la tuya
There are auras that are compatible with yours.

Photo: Trung Nguyen / Pexels

The aura is the energy field that surrounds all living beings and, according to astrologers, your vibration can affect others positively or negatively. Part of this phenomenon is explained by the fact that all people are capable of perceiving the energies of the auric fields of others, but few can read the ray that emanates from them.

People are not born with the gift of seeing auras, is a skill that is acquired through training , according to astrologer Lisa Stardust. In an article on, he explained that everyone may be able to detect the color of other people’s aura and revealed how to do it.

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The expert said that you have to stare at the person or a photograph of them for an approximate time of 45 seconds with one eye open and the another closed. He specified that the procedure would have to be repeated several times, but eventually you will see a glow of color around it .

How do I know if my aura is compatible with someone else’s ?

In previous articles, we’ve already talked about how to discover the color of your aura and what it means ; When you can identify it, check the following breakdown:

White Aura : If you have a white aura, it can align with any color, just be careful not to absorb other people’s emotions, Stardust warns.

Black Aura : If your aura is black, you are compatible with auras of golden color, which will function as a source of healing.

Aura gray : People with a gray aura will feel good with magenta auras, which can help achieve purpose and meaning.

Brown Aura : You need a green aura to help you open your heart.

Red aura : If your aura is red, bright green ones are for you. Both will complement each other and manifest their true passions.

Orange aura : For those who have an orange aura, they need the complement of a dark blue aura. Both will vibrate positively.

Yellow aura : You are compatible with purple auras. They will help inspire and motivate you.

Green Aura : People with green aura are complemented by lilac auras, both will generate a spiritual connection.

Blue aura : If your aura is blue, you connect well with pink auras. Together they will reach greatness.

Indigo Aura : You need a turquoise aura to make you feel more sociable.

Violet aura : If you are one of those with a purple aura, you go well with pink auras. Both will understand their emotions and will generate a sentimental bond.

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