Friday, September 20

How can I get the coronavirus vaccine in California if I meet the requirements

Cómo me puedo poner la vacuna del coronavirus en California si cumplo con los requisitos

Gavin Newsom applauds as the vaccination began in California.

Photo: Jae C. Hong-Pool / Getty Images

On Wednesday the Governor of California, Gavin Newsom assured that the state had decided to follow the most recent recommendation of the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and include the people of 65 years or more on the priority list to receive the coronavirus vaccine .

According to data from 2019 of the United States Census Bureau, the people of 65 years or more represent the 14. 8% of the population of California, which would be more than 5.8 million people , dramatically increased the list of individuals who qualify to receive a dose of the vaccines developed by Pfizer and Moderna.

CA is significantly increasing our efforts to get vaccines out.

This week, we launched mass vaccination sites across the state.

Today, we ‘ re announcing that Californians 65 and older are eligible to receive the vaccine. # EndThePandemic pic.twitter .com / PtuJKx5VcH

– Gavin Newsom (@GavinNewsom) January 01, 2021

The vaccine in California is now available to elderly residents of nursing homes and rest, first-line health personnel and those of 65 years. If you are in that age range, this is what you should do to get the vaccine , as not at all the status is the same.

However, something that the state authorities have reiterated about the vaccine is that both the dose and its administration are free .

How to get vaccinated if you meet the requirements?

Although Governor Gavin Newsom announced the opening of mass vaccination centers in stadiums such as Dodger Stadium (Los Angeles), Petco Park (San Diego) and CalExpo, the state has not established a single system and has left the organization of vaccination in the hands of each county, as it did with the system virus testing, so the process is different depending on where you live.

In Los Angeles County , the Department of Public Health ensures that in the case of health personnel, the majority would receive the vaccine through the medical center for which they work , on the other hand, residents of asylum houses will receive them directly nte in the facilities in which they are interned.

However, the county assured Wednesday that still will not deliver doses to people of 65 years or more as ordered by the government arguing that it maintains priority on health workers and nursing home residents. The authorities of the county of San Diego also assured that they are not ready to include that group of people.

As we near the end of Phase 1A, we can look to starting vaccinations for groups within next phase – 1B, starting with those who are 65 and older as announced by the Governor.

– LA Public Health (@lapublichealth) January 13, 2021

But In the case of Orange County , the people of 65 years and also the rest of the eligible individuals can make an appointment to be vaccinated through the provider Othena.

🚨 # OCCOVID 19 vaccinations at # Disneyland Super POD are by APPOINTMENT ONLY through VMdBmZYqsB. Those without an appointment & proper identification will be turned away. Showing up without an appointment stresses the system & depletes scarce resources.🚨

– OC Health Care Agency (@ochealth) January 14, 2021

Similarly, San Bernardino County and Ventura County also created a website in which appointments are allowed at various health facilities in your jurisdiction. However, have not yet updated the information posted on both sites to reflect the eligibility of those older than 65 years.

If you want to make an appointment in San Bernardino click here, or go to this link if you want to make an appointment in Ventura.

In the case of Alameda County , in the Bay Area, residents must fill out this form online and submit it to the county for an appointment.

The Contra Costa County has a similar system that you can enter here, as does Santa Clara County , which you can visit here.

The San Francisco wave c reported that it would do it through clinics just like the county Los Angeles.

At the beginning of this week the state had vaccinated close to 800, 000 people.


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