Friday, September 20

A woman executed the former governor of Jalisco Aristóteles Sandoval, reveals the Mexican Prosecutor's Office; offer reward for their location

A woman was the one who executed the former governor of Jalisco, Aristóteles Sandoval, at dawn on 18 in December at the District 5 bar , according to versions of witnesses that morning in Puerto Vallarta Jalisco, Mexico.

The hit man took advantage of the fact that the PRI went to the bathroom to hit him three shots at point blank range: the first in the back of the head, the second at the level of the heart and the third in the intestines, revealed sources close to the investigation.

The State Prosecutor Gerardo Octavio Solís has admitted, until now, that the former President had received at least two bullet wounds that deprived him of his life.

That night, Sandoval was only accompanied by two of his bodyguards, but both were waiting for him outside the bar and one did not carry a weapon. Although he had 14 guards at his disposal, they were divided between his wife and daughter, and they were also divided into shifts, since not all worked at the same time.

According to those close to the former governor, he did not like that his security team was inside the precincts he attended, as he preferred to keep a low profile.

In order to obtain truthful information that allows us to identify these people, the State Prosecutor’s Office offers a million pesos reward for those who provide accurate data on each one of them.

– Jalisco State Attorney’s Office (@FiscaliaJal) January 14, 2021

Sources close to the investigation confirmed that they were accompanying him that night at their table the businessman Eduardo Manuel Riguero Escoto and his friend Joaquín Sandoval, who claimed to be a cousin of the ex-governor but in reality there is no consanguinity, only the coincidence in the surname.

Riguero Escoto flew that same morning to the United States, where he has his residence, but he already came to declare the week before, without revealing what he said.

Meanwhile the woman has been identified as Patricia Ceballos, who in her social networks claimed to have a sentimental relationship with Sandoval.

Although people not yet identified by the authorities took the videos from inside District 5, they were able to obtain images thanks to a security camera. It was found in a restaurant next to the bar.

Solís has stated that they have collected testimonies from around 20 people to try to clarify the crime, although the lines of investigation have not yet been revealed.

A 36 days of the crime, the State Prosecutor’s Office has captured 4 people, but none for homicide, but for bribery and cover-up.

The Prosecutor’s Office reported that he managed to identify two people who were allegedly involved in the murder of Sandoval and offered a reward of one million pesos to anyone who provides information on both.

of a man and a woman whose images were released by the Prosecutor’s Office during a short message issued by Prosecutor Solís.

“Two people have been identified, a man and a woman, who could be related to the facts under investigation.

” With the end d to obtain truthful information that allows us to identify these people the State Prosecutor’s Office offers a million pesos of reward for those who provide accurate data on each one of them, ”said the Prosecutor without answering questions on the subject.

The email offered by the Prosecutor’s Office to provide data is

He stated that the reward could be higher, as this will depend on the quality of the information that they send to the institution.

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