Friday, September 20

Survey Finds California Latinos Perceive Discrimination in Medical Treatment

Encuesta revela que los latinos de California perciben discriminación en trato médico

Thirteen out of 100 California Hispanic adults , manifested a different treatment in the doctor.

Photo: David McNew / Getty Images


Thirteen of each 100 California Hispanic Adults feel they were judged or treated differently by a healthcare provider because of their race or language, a poll revealed Tuesday.

The survey “Discrimination and Medical Mistrust in a Racially and Ethnically Diverse Sample of California Adults ”, from Charles R. Drew University in Los Angeles, pointed out that this appreciation increases in the case of African Americans, since each 10 feel that their race influences in attention.

Researchers they also found that one in six Latino Californians and African Americans were more likely than whites to report a strong distrust of their healthcare providers.

The survey analyzed data collected from more than 2 . 200 White, Hispanic, and African American adults who requested to report perceived discrimination based on race, ethnicity, language, income and type of insurance.

African American and Hispanic adults reported higher rates of discrimination across the board, including discrimination based on income and insurance type.

Further, 20% of African Americans and 10% of Latinos stated that they were unable to obtain the health care services they needed due to racial / ethnic or language discrimination.

The analysis also found a link between having a doctor constant primary care and general medical confidence. Adults who did not have a regular source of primary care were much more likely to be suspicious of healthcare providers, the researchers noted in a statement.

The study published this Tuesday in the Annual Family Medicine concluded that “resolving mistrust requires addressing bias and systemic prejudice of race and language in the medical system. ”


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