Friday, September 20

How to discover the color of your aura and what it says about your personality, according to astrology

Astrologer reveals how to discover the color of your aura

Cómo descubrir el color de tu aura y qué dice sobre tu personalidad, de acuerdo con la astrología
The color of the aura may vary.

Photo: Ramez E. Nassif / Unsplash

According to astrology, we can all be able to perceive the energy of other people, this is because each of us we have an auric field that flows around us and whose vibrations affect each other.

The aura is the electromagnetic field that surrounds all living things and indicate their mood, emotions and general environment. The first impression that a person makes on us comes precisely from their aura, as explained by astrologer Lisa Stardust in an article on

However, the expert warned that the human eye does not is prepared to see the aura of himself or of other people without training, so you have to work to develop this skill .

Also read:

What color is your aura, according to your zodiac sign

Explained that know the color of your aura and its meaning can further develop intuition and you may be able to communicate telepathically with others through their auric fields. It is not that you can hold a conversation with your mind, rather you will gain clarity on why some people give off unpleasant vibrations and why with others you feel more positive.

How to discover the color of the aura

Stardust indicates that it should be start by placing a mirror where a white background is reflected. Then, you have to stare at each other for a minute concentrating on the focal point in the middle of the forehead. Without moving your eyes, you have to scan the contour of the head and shoulders. The color you can perceive is your aura .

Another way, he added, is to look at your hands for one minute a day daily. The glow they radiate is another manifestation of the aura. Once you can identify its color, this is what it says about your personality:

Aura white color

Shows a balanced, calm and open personality. According to Lisa Stardust, white is one of the rarest colors of the aura.

Aura gray color

Auras that are gray in color are characteristic of skeptical people who often see the glass as half empty.

Aura brown color

If your aura has this tonality is that you have a selfish personality.

Aura black color

When a person has a black aura it is because they remain pessimistic and can become cruel.

Aura red color

Indicates a passionate personality who lives in tune with his emotions and desires .

Aura orange color

It is the color of those who have a sensitivity for the arts, so They have a creative personality.

Aura yellow color

This color is typical in auras of people who have high energy and are optimistic.

Aura green color

They are firm, hard-working and nature-loving people.

Aura blue color

Those who have a blue aura are emotionally sensitive and find it easy to express themselves.

Indigo aura

It is believed that old souls have them, so they are present in extremely wise people as.

Violet soul

They are spiritual beings with developed psychic abilities.

Can the aura change color ?

According to the astrologer, the color of the aura can change color and depends on the people with the that we coexist since their energies can adhere to ours. For that reason, it is important to eliminate this negativity by drinking plenty of water and performing purification rituals.

may interest: What happens when the aura darkens and how to cleanse it of negative energy