Friday, September 20

Horoscope for El Niño Prodigy January 13, 2021


03 / 21 – 04 / 19

The chances of unexpected events and changes are great. The renewal will come mainly from the hand of other people, but in the desire to please the other you should not forget about yourself and your needs. Remember to always trust your intuition.


04 / 20 – 04 / 20

You will feel that it is an excellent time to climb to the top of your professional career and you will redouble your efforts because you will realize that the opportunities for promotion are great. Find a way to incorporate new trends.


05 / 21 – 06 / 20

The idea of ​​rearranging your life to be able to travel and get to know other parts of the world will take more and more shape in your mind. Today the possibilities of working without having to be tied to a fixed place will grow and that will give you a lot of serenity and stability.


6 / 20 – 7 / 20

The transits of the planets promote the increase of your flows through shared businesses or inheritances. These issues will consume much of your energy and at times you may feel like you are draining yourself. But it will be worth the effort because the earnings will be high.


06 / 21 – 08 / 21

The issues related to the couple will be in the foreground. This is a key moment because, even if you are married or engaged, there will be another person who will conquer you with strong intentions. If you are single, then you will have different opportunities and you will take your time to choose.


08 / 22 – 09 / 22

On this day, pending daily matters will knock one by one at your door so that you can take care of them. Unforeseen events will arise that will require creative and innovative solutions, but these are propitious times to implement more effective and practical dynamics.


09 / 23 – 10 / 22

Today will be an ideal day for you to reinvent yourself and for you to finally make that change of look in which you come thinking. Singles and married attention because they will break hearts! Your radiations will attract attention and a special candidate will emerge among your admirers.


10 / 22 – 11 / 22

The stars indicate that your family life will become very important. Your home will be the place where various encounters will converge and this could at times overwhelm you a bit. If you are in a relationship, be careful not to give reasons for disagreements or fights.


11 / 23 – 12 / 20

Your travel or study plans could be interrupted by setbacks that were out of your expectations. If this happens do not be bitter because what you think is bad luck today could reveal itself as a hidden blessing tomorrow.


12 / 21 – / 19

Business ventures will acquire enormous importance in this day. You will have to be especially lucid to decide where you will invest the money and which businesses you will give them property. Just try not to let greed push you into error.


/ 20 – 02 / 18

The Moon will enter your own sign starting to a new cycle. That is why it will be convenient for you to set goals that you can meet within 28 days. That way your personal project will be in sync with the planetary cycle, happy beginning!


02 / 19 – 03 / 20

You will feel the need to abstract yourself from daily demands and to let yourself go with the flow of events without obligations or commitments. However, you could receive a call for help that prevents you from disappearing completely, your noble heart will prevent you from saying no!

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