Friday, September 20

AMLO sick, Trump divorces and more: What the Greater Warlock predicted for 2021

The Brujo Mayor released his general predictions for the 2021 and predicted a difficult year for the leaders of Mexico and the United States United. On the one hand, he sees a deterioration in the health of Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador and on the other a Donald Trump lonely on the political and sentimental level .

Using the tarot deck as an oracle, the famous Mexican fortune teller predicted that, although AMLO will intend to be reelected to the term of his mandate in 2024, his state of health will not allow it , according to statements cited by EFE.

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One of the topics that called the The attention of the Brujo Mayor was the decriminalization of abortion, recently legalized in Argentina, but in Mexico he envisions that it will not be the same way.

In Mexico it does not happen, Obrador does not want to throw things that do not interest him at this time and it will not transcend in any way , “he said. However, she mentioned that it will be a good year for the feminist movement, despite its detractors, predicting that there will be groups that will support it economically.

With regard to the outgoing president of the States United Donald Trump predicted that it will not be a good 2021 for him. “ We see a lonely Trump, forgotten ” pointed out the psychic with large beards, who also predicted that he will have serious problems in February and announced that could divorce Melania Trump , suffer from diseases and even be wanted by the police.

In this sense, he commented that Joe Biden, whose term will begin on 20 January, will have to take care of all the areas left pending by Donald Trump on the issue of climate change.

On the other hand, El Brujo Mayor did not see in his oracle that a great earthquake is coming, but he did see other natural disasters. He predicted that there will be a greater number of hurricanes and floods “from Guatemala down” .

Finally, he predicted that on 2021 will be another pandemic year , which will cause a considerable drop in the global economy. “There will be very serious problems in Europe due to the pandemic and the second pandemic is coming, which is not COVID but the economy,” he emphasized.

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