Friday, September 20

Trump declares emergency in Washington DC over Biden's inaugural ceremony

Trump declara emergencia en Washington D.C. por ceremonia inaugural de Biden

The FBI warned of armed protests in 50 states and the country’s capital .


President Donald Trump declared a state of emergency in Washington DC, at the request of the mayor Muriel Bowser .

“Specifically, FEMA is authorized to identify, mobilize and provide, at its discretion, the equipment and resources necessary to alleviate the impacts of the emergency,” says the statement .

The decision ties with the FBI alert of armed protests in 50 states , including the capital of the country at least the 16 and 17 of January, a few days after the inauguration of the president elected Joe Biden .

“The FBI received information about an identified armed group that intended to travel to Washington, DC on 16 January “, warned the agency.

It adds that the manif shelves convened within the framework of the Democratic project in Congress to begin impeachment of President Donald Trump , whom they will accuse of “inciting the insurrection ”for the violent invasion of the Capitol on January 6.

Democratic congressmen also seek to pressure the vice president Mike Pence to implement the Amendment 25, in order to remove the president Trump.

“They have warned that if Congress tries to remove POTUS through the Amendment 25 there will be a great uprising ”, adds the FBI.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) also ordered the Secret Service to advance its surveillance plan for the president-elect ceremony.

“In light of the events of the past week and the evolving security landscape head on to the inauguration and for re Commendation from the Director of the Secret Service, James Murray, I have instructed the Secret Service to begin the Special National Security Event on Wednesday 13 January instead of 19 January, ”said Acting Secretary Chad Wolf in a statement.

After that alert, Wolf resigned his position.