Friday, September 20

Norma Palafox says goodbye to football in tears

Norma Palafox is already ready for the Exatlón and, therefore, will leave football for a few months. The popular soccer player has already started her activities in the television program, which officially begins next January 26 on Telemundo.

But before entering the competition, which lasts four months and in which he participated last year, Palafox said goodbye to his followers through tears.

“I love you say thank you very much and I hope you support me in this new stage that I am beginning, it is a super cool adventure, but at the same time it is a great challenge for me. Those who know me know that it is very difficult to be back here, “he said in a video posted on his Instagram stories.

The Mexican player clarified that this is not her retirement from soccer, How he handled himself in December when he announced his departure from Chivas, as he plans to return to his favorite sport after the competition.

“Before I get over I want to explain this to you: Yes, I’m going to go back to football, believe me, it’s what I love the most, what I like to do the most and it hurts to leave it . Believe me, it is hard sometimes to make difficult decisions but everything I do is for me and my family, to be well. I’m going to be looking forward to that day but right now I want to enjoy this experience. ”

Norma Palafox says goodbye to her fans and football with emotional video Xk6p

– MSN México (@MSNMex) January 12, 2021

Related: Viviana Michel, former player of America, will team up with Norma Palafox in the Exatlón

With sexy dance Norma Palafox celebrates her return to the Exatlón and turns on the networks