Friday, September 20

Government of Mexico awards contract to remodel stadium for AMLO's brother baseball team

The Government of Mexico assigned a contract of 103. 5 million pesos, VAT included, for the remodeling of the team’s baseball stadium Guacamayas de Chiapas, directed by Pío López Obrador, brother of the President.

It is the Luis Anzaldo Arroyo stadium, in Palenque, Chiapas , whose rehabilitation is the central part of a project to improve the Sports Unit of that Municipality.

The Ministry of Agrarian, Territorial and Urban Development (Sedatu) resolved the tender in favor of ALZ Construcciones, a Chiapas company that is a regular contractor for agencies such as Capufe and SCT.

Guacamayas de Chiapas is under the tutelage of Pío, who has possession of the trademark before the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property, which allows him to exploit entertainment services and sports activities.

Pío started using the slogan in 2015 and got them to give him the mark in November of 2017, according to records. In his youth, President López Obrador played in this team, which is currently a four-time champion in the Tabasco Baseball League.

“I will never forget that in the seventies , when I was studying at the university and came on vacation to see my parents, I played here, in the Palenque team, “he recalled in August in a video.

The proposal for remodeling of the stadium includes new stands for a thousand 500 people, restrooms, dressing rooms and dugouts for the teams, as well as 12 commercial premises, according to the draft call for bids for the works, published on 25 September.

For the new furniture of the Sports Unit, which also has soccer fields, fast soccer and softball, the federal agency had benches, tables, garbage cans, drinking fountains, slides, zip lines and other products from the Pirwi firm, with which several of the most recognized interior designers in Mexico.

“Through this project it is possible to influence the reduction of crime and the reduction of drug use among young people ”, Explained Sedatu, that he had to do two rounds of the tender, since the first was declared void.

“ It is projected that this space function as a meeting point for athletes, fans and attract others who have an interest in various sports, to produce exchanges, connections and social relationships, especially between the urban and rural population “, added the agency, that will use resources from the Urban Improvement Program (PMU).

The ruling of another tender for new PMU works in Palenque was also announced, including a bicycle lane, the Sant Domingo and Lineal parks Expo Feria and the Pakal-Na Community Development Center, which will cost 112. 6 million pesos.

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has his rest farm in Palenque, which is the starting point of the first section of the Mayan Train, and whose commercial airport will be assigned to the Secretary of National Defense, according to the President himself.

Continue Reading: The thriving businesses around COVID – 19 in Mexico