Friday, September 20

El Niño Prodigy Horoscope January 12, 2021


03 / 21 – 04 / 19

You will be very demanding and perfectionist throughout the day and this can increase even more. Be careful with the decisions you will make because it could affect other people. Rather, relax and use your power in a positive way.


04 / 20 – 05 / 20

Your vision of the world is transforming and on this day you could find a new meaning in your life, through from contact with people who have experience in material and spiritual approach. It will also help you to read about other cultures and acquire new knowledge.


04 / 21 – 06 / 20

You are an intelligent being, but many times you go with your mind too fast and it is difficult for you to cover the deepest aspect of things. Today the stars will lead you to delve into your personal affairs and resolve what is not so good. You will discover the way.


6 / 21 – 7 / 20

Planetary transits will make you tune into your life force and your transforming power. Your level of influence will be great and you will generate an impact on the people around you. Take advantage of this moment because in matters of the heart you will achieve what you propose.


06 / 21 – 07 / 21

The Sun, which is your ruling star, will be associated with the Moon and Pluto in the field of health and daily life . These influences will motivate you to manage your time more efficiently. I also advise you to practice a little exercise regularly.


08 / 22 – 09 / 22

Earth element natives like you will be favored by this new moon. In your particular case, matters of the heart will prosper and if you find yourself single, rejoice and stay tuned because true love will knock on your door. My advice is that you commit to what you feel.


09 / 23 – 09 / 22

Today the stars will direct your energies towards domestic life. It will be an opportune moment for you to undertake a deep cleaning or make repairs in the field of your home. You will recall events and it is possible that you will reconnect with a person from the past.


10 / 23 – 11 / 22

The mysteries were always of great interest to you and today will not be the exception . Your detective soul will be exalted by what you will start to investigate a subject that has long captured your attention. You will get answers.


11 / 23 – 12 / 20

Your ambition to prosper will become stronger on this day. If you are in need of financing for a business, the ideal conditions will be given for you to get it. Everything indicates that you could receive support from both a bank and a family member.


12 / 21 – / 19

You will realize that you have the power to transform yourself, your life and the environment around you. That is why it is important that you act in tune with positive energies and with the best of intentions. You will have spiritual help to find your way.


01 / 20 – 02 / 18

The stars indicate that it is an opportune time for you to withdraw from the world or at least to avoid activities that cause you stress. Only in company with yourself will you find the answers you need. Search within yourself.


02 / 19 – 02 / 20

The stars indicate that a unique opportunity will present itself that will imply a strong renewal in your life. You may have some doubts about what you should leave behind. I recommend that you take time to process things.

It may interest you:

  1. Do you face problems or run from them? Know which zodiac signs hate being confronted
  2. Why are there people who are too rude, according to astrology
  3. Which indoor plant is the best for you, according to your zodiac sign