Friday, September 20

They catch a strange appearance in an abandoned mental health hospital

The image caught the attention of many social media users, some of whom questioned the veracity of the images

Captan una extraña aparición en un hospital de salud mental abandonado
Science has tried to explain ghostly apparitions.

Photo: Benjamin Balazs / Pixabay

A YouTuber investigating paranormal activity in abandoned areas of the UK photographed a ghostly figure while exploring a madhouse.

Kayleigh Love , who conducts research for her channel, Love to Investigate, came across the presence while exploring a abandoned hospital in Wales.

In the images, a human-like outline is seen at the end of an empty corridor.

Love then lowers the camera, only to raise it again seconds later, but the creepy figure quickly disappears . Kayleigh didn’t even realize what she had filmed until she reviewed the video afterward.

“My stomach turned. Even when I had to edit the footage later to slow it down so others could see it well, it made me feel nervous and uncomfortable, “she said.

While he specified that the facility was in Wales, his description more closely resembles that of Mid-Wales Hospital, a psychiatric hospital in Talgarth, Powys, which opened in 1903 and closed at 1999.

Originally called the Brecon and Radnor Joint Counties Lunatic Asylum, the facility was a war hospital in the decade of 1999, who then performed lobotomies , a procedure in which part of a patient’s brain is removed e.

Love believes that the haunting figure is the ghost of a former patient in the nursing home, reportedly Unilad.

“I think she is a patient who still She is trapped there and her room was located in that hallway. I feel like her story needs to be told and maybe this is her way of approaching to cross and escape from this asylum, “he said.

Looking back at the pictures, Love concluded that he believes that the figure was actually walking towards the camera.

“What surprises us the most is the fact that it is not transparent, it is a solid figure that was presented before us, ”he said.