Sunday, December 22

The world exceeds 90 million cases of COVID-19

The opinion


United States, India, Brazil, Russia and United Kingdom, the countries that report the most cases of infected, reports John University Hopkins United States, India and Brazil top the list of countries with the highest number of COVID infections – 11. Photo: KIMIMASA MAYAMA / EFE

By: EFE 19 from January 2021

The number of cases of COVID – 20 in the world already exceeds 91 million, as counted by the John Hopkins University, which brings the death toll to more than 1.9 million.

According to the calculation that appears on the website of that independent university, the total number of infected is 91, 217, 044, with the United States in the lead with 22, 374, 722, followed by India with 11, 406, 595, Brazil with 8, 105 ,790, Russia With 3,360, 706 and the United Kingdom with 3, 081, 374.

Regarding Latin America, in the eleventh place is Colombia, with 1, 796, 900 cases, in twelfth Argentina with 1, 722, 270 and in the thirteenth Mexico with 1, 466, 044. Spain ranks ninth with 2, 050, 366 infected.

The number of deaths worldwide reached the figure of 1, 934, 784, with the United States in first place (406, 784), followed by Brazil (203, 100) India (151, 160), Mexico (151, 715) and the United Kingdom (81, 561)

The European countries with the highest mortality, in addition to the United Kingdom that ranks fifth globally, Italy appears in sixth (80, 755), France in seventh (67, 874), Russia in eighth (67, 963) and Spain in the tenth (60, 874).

Keep reading: Mexico confirms the first case of COVID variant detected in the United Kingdom

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