Friday, September 20

Six Latinos escaped from a California jail using a “rope” of sheets

The men reportedly reached the roof of the jail and escaped before midnight on Saturday, however, they did not notice it until on Sunday

Seis latinos se fugaron de una cárcel de California usando una “cuerda” de sábanas
Six young Latinos escaped from Merced jail at midnight Saturday.

Photo: Merced County Sheriff Office / Courtesy

The Merced County Sheriff’s Department in California, reported Sunday that he is on the trail of six escaped Latino inmates allegedly Saturday night in jail Merced County Downtown Jail.

The six men would have using a rope made of sheets braided together , as reported by the Merced Sheriff, Vern Warnke in a statement posted on Facebook with portraits of the six subjects.

The Sheriff reported that the leak occurred shortly before the midnight Saturday , however, the guards did not notice the absence of the six prisoners until the morning of the day count Sunday.

The six men would have managed to reach the roof of the jail and would have descended from there. “They used a makeshift rope with braided sheets and were able to go down the side of the building,” the Merced Sheriff said in the statement.

All fugitives are Latino between 19 and 22 years. Two of them accused of murder and being part of a gang , another who was imprisoned for violating his probation , another young man who is accused of murder , one charged with assault with a firearm and one more for illegal possession of a firearm .

County de Merced is located in the agricultural area of ​​the San Joaquin Valley in central California.


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