Friday, September 20

Protesters for and against Trump clash in San Diego

Both groups faced each other and the Police on a popular beach in the city last Saturday

Manifestantes a favor y en contra de Trump se enfrentan en San Diego

Officers of the San Diego Police Department at a demonstration for the death of George Floyd.

Photo: ARIANA DREHSLER / AFP / Getty Images


Protesters for and against President Donald Trump clashed with each other and with police officers in Pacific Beach, San Diego and at least three were arrested for refusing to leave the venue after the meeting was declared illegal “due to acts of violence.”

With the takeover of Congress in Washington by Trump supporters this Wednesday still fresh in memory, Trump supporters participated on Saturday afternoon in a “Patriotic March” in defense of “our republic, our Constitution and our freedom” .

According to local television channels, anti-Trump groups called on people to appear in the same place to prevent the “ma “Fascist demonstration” and the two groups ended up in a fight, so the police had to intervene to separate them and then to drive them away from the place.

When rocks, bottles, pepper spray and other objects are thrown or used on our officers, actions will be taken against those who commit violent acts .

– San Diego Police Department (@SanDiegoPD) January 06, 2021

Agree with the San Diego Police Department, protesters threw rocks, bottles, eggs, and other objects at the officers and peppered them . In their messages the police It did not specify whether it was only one of the groups or both that attacked the riot control agents sent to the scene.

About three hours after the start of the demonstrations, the police managed to completely evacuate the area . “ We will always facilitate peaceful protests, but we will not tolerate acts of violence , “wrote the police on Twitter.

Pacific Beach Update (FINAL 6: 06 PM): All the groups have left the area.

We will always facilitate peaceful protests. However, we will not tolerate acts of violence.

– San Diego Police Department (@SanDiegoPD) January 10, 2021

A police spokesman told the local NBC channel that three people were arrested. The San Diego Union-Tribune newspaper estimated the number of protesters on each side at about a hundred and stated that it took the police “hours” to control the situation.

Some of the anti-Trump protesters wore T-shirts with legends from the Antifa organization and the Black Lives Matter movement.

According to the newspaper, the “Patriotic March” had been called for days before the takeover of Congress in Washington by Trump supporters.

The Congressional assailants had previously attended a rally at the that the president exhorted them to march to the Capitol , where at that time the two houses were holding meetings to certify the victory of Democrat Joe Biden in the November elections.

Democrats and Republicans have blamed Trump for what happened , who claims without evidence to have been the victim of a Election “theft” and may face impeachment in Congress before Biden takes office on 20 from January.


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