Friday, September 20

Mexico confirms first case of COVID variant detected in the United Kingdom

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The new variant was found in a male of 56 years that he arrived in the city of Matamoros, Tamaulipas , from Mexico City Mexico confirms first case of coronavirus strain detected in the United Kingdom in the month of September. Photo: José Pazos / EFE

By: EFE 15 from January 2021

The Secretary of Health of the state of Tamaulipas, northeast of Mexico, reported the first case of the new, more contagious variant of SARS-CoV-2, which appeared last September in the United Kingdom and was released in early December.

The head of the state agency, Gloria Molina, confirmed the new strain of the coronavirus, known as B 117, in an international traveler who arrived in Tamaulipas in the past 29 December.

In a statement, Molina said that as part of the security protocol sanitary a man from 56 years that he arrived in the city of Matamoros, Tamaulipas, from Mexico City, being confirmed by covid – 19.

After confirmation, the Mexican Government was asked to “process the sample in order to rule out the carriage of strains not known in the country.”

” The result was positive for the new variant of SARS-CoV-2, which appeared for the first time in mid-September in the United Kingdom and that has become the predominant variant in that country “, the note pointed out.

Molina pointed out “that travelers and flight crew were immediately followed up, resulting in negative samples processed.”

confirmation of the case later gave the Ministry of Health of Mexico by the director of Epidemiology, José Luis Alomía, during the daily press conference in which the technical report of the pandemic is presented in the country.

Alomía said that during the flight the patient did not present symptoms although for safety he isolated himself and your company asked you to take a positive test.

Alomia explained that the patient was hospitalized on January 4 due to oxygenation of 84% and although he was discharged to continue with outpatient treatment , last Friday he was admitted to a private hospital in Matamoros and on Saturday he had to be intubated.

This Sunday, Mexico registered 11, 003 new infections of the coronavirus in the last 24 hours for a total of 1, 534, 039 confirmed cases, reported authorities of the Ministry of Health.

In addition, 502 new deaths bringing the number of fatalities to 133, 706.

With these figures, Mexico remains the fourth country in the world with the most deaths from the pandemic, behind the United States, Brazil and India and is the thirteenth country in the world in terms of number of infections, according to Johns Hopkins University.

Mexico began the immunization of medical personnel on 24 from December, with a possible closure at the end of e nero, and expects the 15 million adults older than 60 years will finish vaccinating in March. In addition, Mexico seeks to immunize its almost 130 million inhabitants until March of 2022.

Keep reading: AMLO announces massive vaccination campaign against COVID – 19

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