Friday, September 20

“I already offered,” says Galilea Montijo about the house where “Roma” was filmed

The opinion


The Mexican driver jokingly says that is to make it clear to you where Alfonso Cuarón’s film was filmed, after a strong mistake in 2018 Galilea Montijo. Photo: Mezcalent

The statuesque conductor Galilea Montijo was interested in acquiring the house where the Mexican director, Alfonso Cuarón filmed “ Rome “, a film that launched Yalitza Aparicio to fame, or at least that is how he expressed it during the program “Hoy”.

And it was announced a few days ago that the property, where the movie “Roma ”Was put up for sale, and while the note was being presented in the program“ Today ”, where Galilea Montijo participates, the driver showed her interest in acquiring it.

“This is a divine command, it’s like a divine message How much are we talking about? How much? “, He said before sending the note.

But after releasing the information, Galilea Montijo continued with the topic.

Galilea Montijo wants the house in “Roma” “I already offered… so that it is clear to me where it was filmed,” said Galilea Montijo about the sale of the house in the film “Roma”, which is located in Colonia Roma, in Mexico City.

Galilea Montijo was the object of ridicule and memes at the end of 2018 when during a morning, which is broadcast on the Televisa network, he was wrong when talking about Alfonso Cuarón’s film, and he thought that the film had been recorded in Rome and that the theme was developed in Europe.

But her partner and colleague, Andrea Legarreta corrected her At the time, and later Galilea Montijo became a trend in social networks, due to his mistake.

▶ # FileMILENIO | Galilea Montijo TRIED to speak well of # Rome , by Cuarón, and ended up doing the 🐻 / DoptzO1zkx pic.twitter. com / 8hQIwV0TdL

– Millennium (@Milenio) January 7, 2018

However, the driver took the things with good humor and now that the property has been put up for sale, which was the scene of “Roma”, a film that won three Oscars, including for best director, he affirmed that he had already “offered” to buy the property.

They want $ 750, 000 dollars per property During an interview for “Hoy”, the daughter of owner of the property assured that they are asking 750, 01 dollars for the house.

He clarified that in the film also awarded the Golden Lion in Venice, only the facade and courtyard of the property for sale appears, as the interior was recorded on another property.

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