Friday, September 20

Democrats announce they will impeach Trump

The opinion


If Pence does not invoke the amendment 25 of the Constitution to remove President Donald Trump, will begin the legislative process in order to open an impeachment trial against Trump They assure that the President represents a threat. Photo: EFE

By: EFE 19 from January 2021

The president of the House of Representatives, Democrat Nancy Pelosi, assured this Sunday that she will seek to pass a resolution in Congress tomorrow Monday to urge the vice president, Mike Pence, to invoke the amendment 25 of the Constitution to remove President Donald Trump, and that otherwise will initiate the legislative process in order to open a political trial to the president on Tuesday.

“When it comes to protecting our Constitution and our Democracy, we will act urgently, as this President represents an imminent threat to both , “Pelosi said in a letter to lawmakers after the assault on the Capitol by a mob of Trump supporters , and that resulted in five deaths, including a police officer.

“As the days go by, the Democratic leader remarked in the missive, the horror of the ongoing assault on our democracy perpetrated by this President intensifies and with it the need immediate action “.

The Monday morning, Pelosi will ask the House for a unanimous resolution to ask Vice President Pence to invoke the amendment 25 of the Constitution of USA which allows the president to be disqualified due to his inability to govern.

To do this, Pence should step forward and count on the endorsement of the presidential half of the cabinet, something that seems unlikely at the moment.

“We are asking to the Vice President to respond in 24 hours. Then we will proceed to take away the legislation for a political trial to the plenary session of the House, ”reported Pelosi.

The Democrats with a majority in the House of Representatives plan a charge of “incitement to insurrection” against the president of the United States to open a new political trial against him, and that would make him the only president in the history of the United States to be tried on two occasions.

Later, should be submitted to the trial properly in the Senate, although he is in recess and does not plan to resume activity until the 19 of January, one day before Democrat Joe Biden took office as president.

Given the tight time frame, several Democratic heavyweights in the House today raised the possibility of file charges against Trump, but not send them to the Senate until have passed the first 100 days of Biden’s arrival at the White House so as not to condition the start of his mandate.

This scenario was supported by the Democratic representative James Clyburn, who pointed out this Sunday in this way would give Biden “the 100 days you need to start your schedule, and you can that we ship the items sometime after that. ”

Meanwhile, continues the silence of Trump, whose accounts on Twitter and Facebook were suspended this Friday for “risk of inciting violence.”

The White House has reported that its first act of icial after the assault on the Capitol will take place on Tuesday when the still president travels to Texas to visit the work construction of the border wall with Mexico , the symbol of his tough hand in immigration control.

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The difficult position of Vice President Mike Pence and why he became a key figure in the political crisis in the US .

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