Friday, September 20

Biden will present immigration reform as soon as his government begins

Biden presentará reforma migratoria tan pronto inicie su gobierno

Biden will prioritize his immigration agenda.

Photo: Drew Angerer / Getty Images

President-elect Joe Biden has immigration reform as a priority and announced that he will send his bill to Congress as soon as his administration begins.

Although The Democrat has other priorities that he will work in parallel, such as attention to economic recovery from the coronavirus pandemic.

“I will present an immigration bill immediately and send it to the appropriate (Congressional) committees to start the process” , he said in Wilmington, Delaware.

He added that his plan is to reverse the president’s immigration policies Donald Trump .

Experts, such as Dr. Nestor Castillo , considers that modifying the immigration guidelines imposed by the Republican is possible through executive orders.

“One of the easiest (actions) is (that) every executive action that President Trump has taken can be reversed by another executive action of President Biden, you can carry out immediately ”, he indicated.

In the same vein, Tom Jawetz, Vice President of Immigration Policy of the Center for American Progress (CAP), said that these actions from the Executive can help reshape the immigration system, including “A moratorium of 80 days to deportations” .

“After In the past four years, the task of repairing the damage done to our immigration system and immigrant communities is enormous. But because the stakes are high, the work must begin immediately and be sustained during the incoming administration, ”said Jawetz.

For Biden it could be easier advance with their plans from Congress, after the Democrats achieved a majority in the Senate and, with it, control of that branch of government.