Friday, September 20

VIDEO: Exact moment that hitman shoots a young man in CJNG territory

The opinion


In the images you can see how they approach the victim and shoot him at least one shot VIDEO: Exact moment that hitman shoots a young man in CJNG territory Photo: Video capture Jalisco_Rojo / Courtesy

Outside a shopping plaza located in the municipality of Zapopan in the state of Jalisco in Mexico, zone controlled by drug traffickers from Jalisco Cartel Nueva Generación ( CJNG ) a young man from 28 year old was shot.

In social networks the moment circulated exact of the aggression against the victim who lost his life when he was transferred to the hospital.

That’s how it went A young man was attacked by a bullet on the outskirts of Plaza del Sol.

The victim died at an aid station, it was a direct attack.

– Jalisco Rojo (@Jalisco_Rojo) January 8, 2021

The attack occurred at the mall Plaza del Sol , where it was attacked when was waiting to cross the street. In the images, you can see how a truck stops near him, then backs up and from there the hitman shoots him at point-blank range. Then the obviously injured young man tries to call for help.

Municipal Police Municipal Police who were making their surveillance tour inside the plaza, they realized what had happened and the young man wounded by a bullet asked for their help.

According to the agents, the young man He had gone to the restroom in that square, but when he left and while he saw his phone on the public highway, on the avenue crossing López Mateos South and avenue Plaza del Sun , in the colony Ciudad del Sol , detected that a truck Dodge RAM 700 , white color stopped his march and a subject, shot him without saying a word.

The gunman then fled to an unknown destination aboard the Van.

Staff of the medical services He was transferred to a hospital in serious health, as he had a firearm projectile impact at the height of thorax but despite the efforts of the emergency services, minutes after his arrival at the medical center, he lost life.

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