Friday, September 20

Mobility in Mexico City collapses after Metro lines close due to fire

Agglomerations in the middle of the pandemic, delays and anger were the constants yesterday due to the closure of six Metro lines in Mexico City, after the fire in Control Center 1 of this Transportation System Collective.

More than one million 300 One thousand users were affected. In the Medical Center, the residents of the capital, confused, looked for alternatives while observing the long line that formed from 8 o’clock: 00 hours at the station of the same name on Line 3 of the Metrobús, which was delayed, adding chaos to the complicated scene.

Pickup-type patrols arrived at the scene so that, crowded together, users would get on the back, waiting for the trucks from the RTP, which arrived until 10 in the morning.

“ Yes they go up, but they are young men, one as an elderly woman no longer reaches up “, com Alicia Jiménez entered the line.

The crowds were a constant yesterday in the support buses due to the closure of the Mexico City Metro. (PHOTO: Reform Agency) Green trucks and application services were other alternatives. “Y i stop the Metro, everything stops, almost everything,” said Magda Fuentes when she went to work late, after taking a taxi.

The concentrations of people were also generated at the Ethiopia Metrobús station.

“The Metrobús is taking a long time to pass. I was working all night and I have just been finding out that six lines are not working and here people crowd together and pass the line, “said nurse María Eugenia, at the Medical Center.

There were also excessive charges in concessioned public transport.

” Get on Metro Zapata, pesos, it’s a truck! “, a man shouted on the spot, without a mask and exceeding the cost in the face of the morning chaos.

Echo of the excessive charging resounded on social networks, so the head of the Ministry of Mobility (Semovi), Andrés Lajous, assured on Twitter that the agency was already taking over.

He also asked to use the RTP trucks that, as in every Metro failure, enter the Quite to ensure transportation.

S However, the afternoon of yesterday in Balderas the buses passed full and infrequently, a full one that was also experienced and n the Metrobús that, to increase the risk of contagion, had the windows closed, an ideal setting for the transmission of SARS-CoV2.

“ I come from Hidalgo and it is full , What I’m trying to do is avoid a lot of people, because I don’t want something that’s going to burst, ”said Susana Fernández outside the Balderas station, at 14: 00 hours.

In the company of her mother, the elderly, and her brother, with disabilities, the woman stated that left for medical reasons.

“They are passing (RTP ) each 20 and 25 minutes, they are passing more on that side (Pantitlán-Observatorio), a while ago one passed by here, but he did not stop “, said an agent Traffic on the Indios Verdes-University route.

“ What I want to know is how am I going to do tomorrow to come to work? “, Expressed Magd a.

And it is a question that will resonate in 700 thousand More from the capital who travel in the Metro on Sundays, during the pandemic.

Mexico City Prosecutor’s Office investigates fire The Attorney General’s Office of Mexico City (FGJCDMX) reported that it is investigating the causes that caused a fire in the main Control Center of the Collective Transport System (STC) Metro that occurred yesterday in the capital.

City Attorney de México opened two investigation files for the crimes of wrongful death and damages derived from the fire in the Metro Control Center. (PHOTO: Reform Agency) In a statement, the Prosecutor’s Office indicated that it opened two investigation folders for the crimes of wrongful death for other causes, and damages, derived from the fire that broke out yesterday morning and which also left six lines of the transport system without service.

The FGJCDMX said that, according to the first reports, a woman, approximately 20 years, lost his life and close to 32 people were transferred to receive medical attention after the accident occurred in a property located in the Historic Center of the capital of Mexico City.

Also It was reported that the six lines of the Mexico City Metro will remain closed this Sunday due to continuing repair work at the Control Center that was affected by the fire.

Continue Reading: VIDE O: Strong fire leaves people trapped in Mexico City