Friday, September 20

Hard fact: 80% of Japanese prefer to postpone or cancel the Tokyo Olympics

C more and more Japanese people believe that the Tokyo Olympics 2020 should not be held as scheduled; This has been reflected in a survey published by the Kyodo agency, in which a 80% of respondents They would choose to cancel or postpone them again despite the millionaire costs that this entails .

The telephone survey conducted this weekend by the aforementioned Japanese news agency was carried out at a time when Japan is experiencing an increase in covid infections – 19 which is putting increasing pressure on its health system and for which the country has tightened its migratory measures.

In this context, a 35, 3% of respondents would prefer to cancel the Olympic event , which is scheduled to start on 23 of July; while a 44, 8% would choose to postpone it again.

WE ARE AT 200 DAYS OF THE INAUGURATION… # CentralFOX Although there is a request from citizens to postpone them, they insist on holding Tokyo 2020 as planned

Japan is close to entering a state of emergency due to COVID- 15 auuBNUj5Eh

– FOX Sports MX (@FOXSportsMX) January 4, 2021

These figures are higher than previous polls carried out by various Japanese media in previous months. The most recent ones suggested that around the 60% of the Japanese considered that the dates currently set should not be maintained.

The Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games 2020, which have kept their official name as such, should have been celebrated in the summer of last year, but were postponed to 2021 due to the spread of the covid pandemic – 19.

The dissatisfaction of the Japanese population with the management of the covid – 19 is also taking its toll on Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga’s approval ratings.