Friday, September 20

Trump's words accusing him of inciting the invasion of Congress

Was Donald Trump the instigator of the assault on the Capitol?

Democratic leaders and some Republicans have demanded that the president answer for the assault on the Washington Capitol on Wednesday afternoon.

They demand that the president be removed from office that will leave the 20 January when Joe Biden is sworn in as the new president.

“What happened on the United States Capitol was an insurrection against the United States incited by the president . This president should not be in office one more day, ”Senator Chuck Schumer , the leader of the Senate Democrats, said Thursday.

Members of the House Judiciary Committee also wrote a letter to Vice President Mike Pence urging him to act to impeach Trump.

They accuse him of fueling an act of insurrection and “trying to undermine” American democracy.

Democratic congresswoman Ilhan Omar published a proposal for impeachment (impeachment) against Trump, and there are already reports that the House of Representatives could activate the procedure urgently.

What is the Amendment 25 and why she is being talked about amid mounting pressure for Trump to be removed The dis The course Trump held before thousands of supporters at noon Wednesday has been seen as the incitement to violence that followed.

What did Trump say? The president spoke for just over an hour to thousands of supporters who gathered at the Washington Monument , an open space between the White House and the Capitol.

There Trump listed cases of alleged electoral fraud in several states – which he has not been able to verify in court- in the election of November 3.

But he also lashed out at the “pathetic” and “weak” Republicans who did not support his demand to stop the certification of votes that would take place moments later in Congress.

The event was called “March to Save America” and it was in front of the White House. “Incredible what we have to go through, and having to make your people fight. If they don’t fight, we have to eliminate those who don’t fight, “he harangued his followers.

” We will walk to the Capitol and we will cheer our brave senators and congressmen,” he said, including himself in the march, in which later, without However, he did not participate. “ C we will die and I will be there with you “, he repeated, although after the speech he returned to the White House.

Why was it so easy for Trump supporters to break into the Washington Capitol? From that moment, expressed mistrust that Vice President Pence, who by his position was directing the ceremony at the Capitol, do something to stop the certification of votes : “I hope you defend the good of our Constitution and the good of our country. And if not, I will be very disappointed. ”

And then he asked “ to fight like in hell ” because if not“ you won’t go anymore to have a country. ”

“ So we are going to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue to the Capitol, ”he continued.“ We are going to try to give our Republicans, the weak, because the strong don’t need our help, the kind of self-love and audacity they need to take back our country. ”

Trump spoke to his supporters behind from a podium protected by transparent plates. “I know that everyone present will soon be marching to the Capitol building for make their voices heard in a peaceful and patriotic way . Today we will see if the Republicans stand firm in favor of the integrity of our elections, “he added.

4 killed in the assault on the Washington Capitol by Trump supporters Before him, Rudy Giuliani , the president’s personal attorney, told attendees that electoral disputes should be resolved by on “combat” .

Although Trump asked to march peacefully, the irruption to the Legislative headquarters was violent. Four people died , including one of his followers by the shooting of a policeman.

Was the assault planned? During the previous weeks, the president marked “January 6 as a day of truth ”, explains the BBC correspondent in Washington, Anthony Zurcher.

“ He told his followers to come to Washington DC and challenge the Congress… And on Wednesday morning, the president and his previous speakers set the whirlwind going, ”he adds.

Trump used Twitter to promote the march. “Big protest in DC on January 6,” tweeted on 19 December, asking to attend “It will be wild!” he said.

Similar tweets came the days 27 and 30 December, as well as January 1, when he used the hashtag #StopTheSteal (Stop Theft).

“This it was a self-coup attempt incited by Trump ” Precisely Stop The Steal is the name of one of the largest groups that was created online hours after the election last November, According to an investigation by the newspaper The New York Times .

He came to accumulate 320, 000 members until Facebook removed it, so that many followers moved to platforms such as Parler and Gab, where the protest of this January 6 was organized.

“Stop the robbery” is the slogan that many Trump supporters adopted and became a group in social networks. From other groups, such as “Secession of the Red State” (red is the color of the Republicans and blue that of the Democrats), the euphoria heated up more as the date approached: “If no you are prepared to use force to defend civilization, so be prepared to accept barbarism, ”read a message.

3 possible scenarios of the political crisis in the United States after the assault of Trump supporters on the Capitol In the post, which went viral, people They shared photos of the weapons, including assault rifles, that they planned to take to the concentration in the capital.

According to the investigation, there were comments that made a call to “occupy” the Capitol and force Congress to revoke the November elections.

Some of the protesters were prepared with bulletproof vests. As was evident later, members of movements such as QAnon, Proud Boys and some “influencers” like Tim Gionet participated in the assault on Congress.

What is QAnon, the group whose members participated in the assault on the Capitol (and how it is replicated in Latin America) Change of tone Perhaps due to possible legal implications, more than 24 hours after the assault, Trump changed his tone this Thursday, condemned the invasion and admitted that in a few days the Democrat Biden will relieve him.

“We have gone through an intense election and there are many emotions, but now is the time to calm things down and regain calm,” Trump said in a video at the White House published Thursday night.

“He 20 in January a new government will be sworn in. My goal now is to ensure an orderly transfer of power. This moment requires calling to close wounds and reconciliation, “he said in a conciliatory tone, very different from that exhibited in another video on Wednesday a few hours after the assault on the Capitol by his followers.

Trump was “outraged” by the “atrocious attack” on Congress for which many blame him.

But the calls for the president to answer for what happened continue to resonate and in Congress some Democrats are planning the course of action.

“If the vice president and cabinet refuse to act, Congress should reconvene to do a imp ea chment to the president ”, said the Democratic leader Chuck Schumer.

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