Friday, September 20

Sticking her tongue out, Paty Navidad responds to Twitter suspension

Paty Navidad has responded to the suspension of her Twitter account, this time through her official Instagram account in front of her more than 480 thousand followers.

The Mexican actress has been recorded from the waiting room of an airport and later in his seat on the flight without wearing a mask, wearing a hat, sunglasses and posing next to his pet, where with a gesture of “sticking out his tongue” he sends a forceful message.

“ The lie is not censored, only the truth suffers from censorship and should not be celebrated !. The censorship is strong and against all those who do not obey or try to think for themselves, those who today are happy about the reduction of rights and freedoms of some of us, tomorrow will cry for them reasons and may suffer worse. What is approaching for the world is a hecatomb against humanity, a tyrannical and cruel dictatorship through technology and digitization ”, he expressed.

The singer also commented that “ it will be difficult for humanity to be free since freedom means awakening the conscience and being responsible and most of the people They fear responsibility. ”

“ They enjoy the comfort and convenience of not thinking, avoiding, pointing out and blaming others for their own irresponsibility. The eyes can only see what consciousness is capable of understanding. Let us awaken to the light of conscience and see with the eyes of the soul and of reason. We can still build and create our best version of humanity. Life is worth living awake, free and aware. They are trying to steal even our oxygen to sell it to us in tanks. Don’t be afraid to think and question. WAKE UP! “, he finished.