Friday, September 20

Learn about the jobs that cause the most deaths in the United States

The jobs with the highest number of deaths were linked to the transportation and transfer industry. Photo: Alejandro Cano / Real America News / ImpreMedia

In 2019 were recorded 5, 333 worker deaths in the United States , according to a report of the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS, for its acronym in English).

The latest agency report points out that fatal accidents reported a increase of 2% , with respect to to the incidents presented during 2018 .

In 2019 we had the figure highest deaths since 2007, since on average, one worker died from a workplace accident every 99 minutes .

Last year also increased by 13% the number of Latinos who died while working, up to 1,088 deaths .

The Most worker deaths were related to transportation incidents . In 2019 a increase of 2 % , until reaching 2, 100 cases , turning out to be the year with the highest number of events of this type from 2011 .

The rest of employee deaths were related to exposure to substances or harmful environments, injuries caused by other people or animals , overdose unintentional due to the use of drugs or alcohol , as well as fires and explosions.

Jobs with the highest mortality rate for each 100, 000 full-time workers: 1. Fishing and hunting workers : 145 deaths for each 100 a thousand people.

2. Tree felling: 68. 9 deaths for each 100 thousand workers.

3. Aircraft pilots and flight engineers : 61. 8 deaths per thousand people.

4. Roofers : 54 deaths for each 100 thousand workers.

5. Construction Helpers : 40 deaths For each 100 thousand people.

The jobs with the highest number of deaths were linked to these industries: 1. Transportation and transfer of materials: 1, 481 deaths.

2. Construction and extraction: 1, 066 deaths.

3. Services: 762 deaths .

4. Installation , maintenance and repair: 438

5. Administration , business, financial operations: 333

Fatal occupational injuries by event: 1. transport incidents: 2, 122

2. Falls , slips, trips: 841

3. Violence and other injuries done by people or animals (includes homicides and suicides ): 841

4. Contact with objects and equipment: 732

5. Exposure to substances or harmful environmental conditions (includes substance overdose ): 642

One worker died every 99 minutes from a work-related injury in 2019 # BLSdata / 48 twjyOab3

– BLS -Labor Statistics (@BLS_gov) December 20, 2020

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