Friday, September 20

Iran Castillo exposes himself and admits that he has thought about suicide

Iran Castle admits that at some point he came to think about suicide, like anyone who goes through a complicated situation and a lot of stress. ” I do not think there is a human being, who in a fit that has had a crisis, despair, anger, has not suddenly thought of” Oh, now! , I don’t want to live! ” and others… But of course, one thing is that from the start, you think anger, to another thing, which is to try”.

The Mexican announces the premiere of the play “Room 306 ”which will be transmitted via streaming on 11, 18 and 25 January through Boletópolis.

The story addresses the issue of suicide and depression , so Iran indicates that it only identifies in a part of its character.

“Yes I identify myself with the character being a mother, with the feeling of what a mother can feel, when making a decision about how to leave this world and leave her children. ”

Iran shares that it was difficult for him to adapt to the new It was normal when the recordings of the telenovela “La Mexicana y el Güero” (Univision) began, soon in the United States.

“It was a bit complicated, because obviously you get to work and you were used to arriving and greet your partner, give him a hug at least or something, and right now it is with everything the ‘astronaut’ costume and from afar; Well yes, I feel that at the beginning it was difficult for everyone, but in the end we end up adapting. Also thank you very much in my case, because I am healthy, my family is well and I have had a job. ”

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