The Toulouse University Hospital was condemned at the end of the year by the administrative tribunal for not having protected one of its employees, victim of harassment by a manager of his department.
The CHU, which will not appeal, will have to pay him compensation.
The superior who caused the harassment was subject to disciplinary sanctions.
She felt persecuted, harassed . For several months in 998, an employee of the material resources department of the CHU of Toulouse received explicit emails from a manager of his department. She also denounced advances, physical contacts or even forced kisses despite her refusal.
The 17 last December, the Toulouse Administrative Court sentenced Toulouse University Hospital to pay compensation to the victim for not having protected him from harassment committed by the other agent.
“The Toulouse University Hospital had been alerted to the situation via the agent and the CGT, bodies such as the CHSCT which requested an independent expertise from the Socio-scoop cabinet. In his report, he indicated that he had observed professional and managerial practices on the material resources pole on the sexual register, ”recalls the union, which regrets that the alert was“ not taken seriously by the management of the CHU ” .
The latter has now and already indicated that it would not appeal this decision, “making the fight against harassment and discrimination an institutional priority”.
Disciplinary sanctions
“From that this matter was brought to the attention of the human resources department in December 2016, an administrative investigation was immediately launched. Disciplinary sanctions were taken against the agent concerned, as well as the hierarchical superior of this agent and the victim ”, continues the Toulouse University Hospital.
Sexism: the Toulouse University Hospital creates a unit against harassment … #CHU # Toulouse # ProudDeMonHopital E
– Toulouse University Hospital (@CHUdeToulouse)
February , 2018
It has since created a “parity and governance” group to promote gender equality, as well as a unit for the prevention and fight against harassment and discrimination.