Friday, September 20

New York prosecutor asks to investigate “failed coup” in favor of Trump

Trump would also be considering granting preventive pardons to his children and his son-in-law. Photo: Chris Kleponis / EFE

By: EFE 07 from January 2021

NEW YORK – The New York Prosecutor’s Office asked Justice this Thursday to investigate the “legal guilt” of outgoing President Donald Trump for the assault on the Capitol by his followers, which he considered a “failed coup” , and warned that giving pardons “under corrupt circumstances” makes him susceptible to prosecution once he leaves office.

“For months President Trump, his family and associates have fostered savage conspiracy theories that have led to these acts of terror and sedition (…). I call on the Department of Justice to immediately initiate an investigation of this attempted insurrection and to seek responsibility for fanning the flames that have led to this failed coup ”, said the Attorney Letitia James in a letter to the Acting Attorney General, Jeffrey Rosen.

James also echoed press versions that suggest that Trump considers forgiving himself and, recalling that that would only free him from federal cases and not from potential state or local investigations or charges, and noted that the President “under corrupt circumstances could make him vulnerable to prosecution when he leaves office on 20 “.

The Democratic prosecutor assured that the country” cannot allow Justice to remain idle for two weeks “until that the Administration of the president-elect, take office Joe Biden , although most important decisions related to that investigation that demands “must and should wait for the next attorney general to take office.”

James specifically requested that be investigated Trump, his sons Donald Jr., Ivanka and Eric and his wife last, Lara, by “instigate” the assault on Capitol of Wednesday and demanded that its participants be identified, investigated and held accountable because the “violent incursion into government property with the express intention of undermining the certification of legal elections” violates federal law.