Friday, September 20

Health Authorities Detect New Strain of COVID-19 in Houston Area

Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo. Photo: Harris County / Courtesy

TEXAS – Harris County health authorities confirmed this Thursday the detection of the first case of a person infected with the new strain of COVID – 19 .

The variant was initially found in the UK.

The authorities The Harris County Department of Public Health also reported that it is also the first case in Texas of this variant.

The city of Houston is within the limits of Harris County.

In the press release it was stated that the infected person is a man between 30 and 40 years residing in the southwest of the county , who also would not have traveled recently. It was reported to be in stable condition and in isolation.

This new strain, according to experts, would be more contagious than those previously identified , but its symptoms would be more mild.

The authorities closely monitor this case and any contact to avoid potential contagions and urged residents to maintain virus containment measures.

NEW: We’ve confirmed the FIRST Texas case of the more contagious, “British” # COVID 19 strand # B 117 in Harris County. This is disturbing. Along with our recent trends, we could be on the road to a crisis if we don’t change our behavior NOW. Do your part.

– Lina Hidalgo (@LinaHidalgoTX) January 7, 2021

Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo said this finding “is problematic” and that along with the growing trend On the rise in the number of infections and hospitalizations, the area is in serious danger.

Hidalgo reiterated the importance of the use of face masks, social distancing and avoiding meetings with people outside the immediate family circle.

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